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die seized

  • 1 die seized

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > die seized

  • 2 die seized

    помирати, залишивши майно під арештом

    English-Ukrainian law dictionary > die seized

  • 3 die

    English-Ukrainian law dictionary > die

  • 4 die

    1) умереть, скончаться

    to die a natural death — умереть естественной смертью;

    to die a violent death — умереть насильственной смертью;

    to die intestate — умереть, не оставив завещания;

    to die seized — умереть, оставив имущество под арестом;

    to die testate — умереть, оставив завещание;

    to die without issue — умереть, не оставив потомства

    Англо-русский юридический словарь > die

  • 5 die Panik

    - {panic} cây tắc - {scare} sự sợ hãi, sự kinh hoàng, sự hoang mang lo sợ, sự mua vội vì hốt hoảng, sự bán chạy vì hốt hoảng hoang mang - {stampede} sự chạy tán loạn, sự chạy trốn, phong trào tự phát, phong trào thiếu phối hợp = zu Panik neigend {panicky}+ = in Panik geraten {to get into a panic}+ = in Panik versetzen {to stampede; to tailspin}+ = von Panik ergriffen werden {to be seized with a panic}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > die Panik

  • 6 умереть, оставив имущество под арестом

    1) Law: dieseized
    2) Makarov: die seized

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > умереть, оставив имущество под арестом

  • 7 seize

    transitive verb

    seize powerdie Macht ergreifen

    seize somebody by the arm/collar/shoulder — jemanden am Arm/Kragen/an der Schulter packen

    seize the opportunity or occasion/moment [to do something] — die Gelegenheit ergreifen/den günstigen Augenblick nutzen [und etwas tun]

    seize any/a or the chance [to do something] — jede/die Gelegenheit nutzen[, um etwas zu tun]

    be seized with remorse/panic — von Gewissensbissen geplagt/von Panik ergriffen werden

    2) (capture) gefangen nehmen [Person]; kapern [Schiff]; mit Gewalt übernehmen [Flugzeug, Gebäude]; einnehmen [Festung, Brücke]
    3) (confiscate) beschlagnahmen
    Phrasal Verbs:
    - academic.ru/118317/seize_on">seize on
    * * *
    1) (to take or grasp suddenly, especially by force: She seized the gun from him; He seized her by the arm; He seized the opportunity of leaving.) ergreifen
    2) (to take, especially by force or by law: The police seized the stolen property.) beschlagnahmen
    - seizure
    - seize on
    - seize up
    * * *
    I. vt
    1. (grab)
    to \seize sth etw ergreifen [o packen]
    to \seize sb jdn packen
    to \seize sb by the arm/throat/wrist jdn am Arm/an der Kehle/beim Handgelenk packen
    to \seize sth with both hands etw mit beiden Händen greifen
    to be \seized with sth von etw dat ergriffen werden
    to be \seized with desire von Begierde gepackt werden
    to be \seized with panic von Panik erfasst werden
    3. (make use of)
    to \seize the initiative/an opportunity die Initiative/eine Gelegenheit ergreifen
    to \seize an opportunity with both hands eine Gelegenheit mit beiden Händen ergreifen
    to \seize sth etw einnehmen [o erobern]
    to \seize a criminal einen Verbrecher festnehmen
    to \seize a fortress/harbour/town eine Festung/einen Hafen/eine Stadt einnehmen [o erobern]
    to \seize a hostage eine Geisel nehmen
    to \seize power die Macht ergreifen; (more aggressively) die Macht an sich akk reißen
    to \seize sth etw beschlagnahmen
    II. vi
    to \seize on [or upon] sth idea etw aufgreifen
    to \seize on an excuse zu einer Ausrede greifen
    * * *
    1. vt
    1) (= grasp) packen, ergreifen; (as hostage) nehmen; (= confiscate) beschlagnahmen; passport einziehen; ship (authorities) beschlagnahmen; (pirates) kapern; (= capture) town einnehmen; train, building besetzen; criminal fassen

    to seize sb's arm, to seize sb by the arm — jdn am Arm packen

    2) (fig) (= lay hold of panic, fear, desire) packen, ergreifen; power, leadership an sich (acc) reißen; (= leap upon) idea, suggestion aufgreifen; opportunity, initiative ergreifen

    to seize the momentden günstigen Augenblick wahrnehmen

    to seize the dayden Tag nutzen

    2. vi
    = seize up
    * * *
    seize [siːz]
    A v/t
    1. a) (er)greifen, fassen, packen ( alle:
    by an dat):
    b) fig ergreifen, packen, erfassen:
    fear seized the crowd Furcht ergriff die Menge;
    he was seized with remorse er wurde von Reue gepackt;
    seized with an illness von einer Krankheit befallen;
    seized with apoplexy vom Schlag getroffen
    c) B 1
    2. eine Festung etc (ein)nehmen, erobern
    3. sich einer Sache bemächtigen, an sich reißen:
    seize power die Macht ergreifen oder an sich reißen
    4. JUR beschlagnahmen, pfänden
    5. JUR US jemanden in den Besitz setzen (of gen oder von):
    be seized with, stand seized of im Besitz einer Sache sein
    6. jemanden ergreifen, festnehmen
    7. fig (geistig) erfassen, begreifen, verstehen
    8. SCHIFF
    a) zusammenbinden, zurren
    b) anbinden
    B v/i
    1. seize (up)on eine Gelegenheit ergreifen, eine Idee etc (begierig) aufgreifen
    2. meist seize up TECH sich festfressen
    * * *
    transitive verb

    seize somebody by the arm/collar/shoulder — jemanden am Arm/Kragen/an der Schulter packen

    seize the opportunity or occasion/moment [to do something] — die Gelegenheit ergreifen/den günstigen Augenblick nutzen [und etwas tun]

    seize any/a or the chance [to do something] — jede/die Gelegenheit nutzen[, um etwas zu tun]

    be seized with remorse/panic — von Gewissensbissen geplagt/von Panik ergriffen werden

    2) (capture) gefangen nehmen [Person]; kapern [Schiff]; mit Gewalt übernehmen [Flugzeug, Gebäude]; einnehmen [Festung, Brücke]
    3) (confiscate) beschlagnahmen
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    belegen v.
    beschlagnahmen v.
    ergreifen v.
    greifen v.
    kapern v.
    packen v.
    wahrnehmen (Vorteil, Gelegenheit) v.

    English-german dictionary > seize

  • 8 ergreifen

    v/t (unreg.)
    1. (nach etw., einer Person greifen und es/sie festhalten) grasp; energischer: seize, grab; bei Gefahr: catch ( oder grab umg.) hold of; (Macht, Gelegenheit) take, seize; ein Kind bei der Hand ergreifen grasp ( oder grab umg.) a child by the hand; siehe auch 6
    2. (festnehmen) (Dieb etc.) seize, catch, get hold of
    3. (erfassen) Gefühle etc.: seize, take hold of; Flammen (Haus etc.) envelop, engulf, take hold in; Wellen etc.: engulf, carry s.o. away
    4. (erschüttern) move ( oder stir) deeply
    5. (überkommen) overcome, overwhelm, carry s.o. away; von Angst / einer Krankheit ergriffen werden be seized ( oder gripped) by fear / be afflicted by ( oder with) ( oder fall prey oder fall victim to) a disease
    6. fig. (wählen, anfangen) (Initiative, Maßnahme) take; (Beruf) take up, begin; von etw. Besitz ergreifen take possession of s.th., take s.th. over; die Flucht ergreifen (turn tail and) flee geh., opt for flight lit.; zu Fuß auch run away, take to one’s heels; für jemanden oder jemandes Partei ergreifen come in on s.o.’s side, take up the cudgels for s.o. umg., Am. auch go to bat for s.o. umg.; das Wort ergreifen (begin to) speak; siehe auch 1
    * * *
    to grip; to catch hold of; to take; to grasp; to clutch; to take hold of; to touch; to move; to clasp; to grab; to seize; to tackle; to apprehend
    * * *
    er|grei|fen [ɛɐ'graifn] ptp ergri\#ffen [ɛɐ'grɪfn]
    vt irreg
    1) (= packen) to seize; (= fassen auch) to grasp, to grip; Feder, Schwert auch to take up; Verbrecher to seize, to apprehend; (Krankheit) to overcome
    2) (fig) Gelegenheit, Macht to seize; Beruf to take up; Maßnahmen to take, to resort to

    er ergriff das Worthe began to speak; (Parl, bei Versammlung etc) he took the floor

    3) (fig) jdn (= packen) to seize, to grip; (= bewegen) to move

    von Furcht/Sehnsucht etc ergriffen werden — to be seized with fear/longing etc

    → auch ergriffen
    * * *
    1) ((with at) to try to take hold of: I clutched at a floating piece of wood to save myself from drowning.) clutch
    2) (to take hold of especially by putting one's fingers or arm(s) round: He grasped the rope; He grasped the opportunity to ask for a higher salary.) grasp
    3) (to catch: The police had been trying to lay hands on the criminal for months.) lay (one's) hands on
    4) (to affect the feelings or emotions of: I was deeply moved by the film.) move
    5) (to take or grasp suddenly, especially by force: She seized the gun from him; He seized her by the arm; He seized the opportunity of leaving.) seize
    6) (to take quickly, when one has time or the opportunity: She managed to snatch an hour's sleep.) snatch
    * * *
    er·grei·fen *
    etw \ergreifen to grab [or seize] sth
    2. (dingfest machen)
    jdn \ergreifen to apprehend sb
    etw \ergreifen Feuer to engulf sth
    4. (fig: wahrnehmen)
    etw \ergreifen to seize sth
    5. (in die Wege leiten)
    etw \ergreifen to take sth
    es müssen dringend Maßnahmen ergriffen werden measures must urgently be taken!
    6. (gefühlsmäßig bewegen)
    jdn \ergreifen to seize sb; (Angst) to grip sb
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges transitives Verb
    1) grab

    die Macht ergreifen(fig.) seize power

    2) (festnehmen) catch <thief etc.>
    3) (fig.): (erfassen) seize

    von blindem Zorn ergriffen(geh.) in the grip of blind anger

    4) (fig.): (aufnehmen)

    die Initiative/eine Gelegenheit ergreifen — take the initiative/an opportunity

    5) (fig.): (bewegen) move
    * * *
    ergreifen v/t (irr)
    1. (nach etwas, einer Person greifen und es/sie festhalten) grasp; energischer: seize, grab; bei Gefahr: catch ( oder grab umg) hold of; (Macht, Gelegenheit) take, seize;
    ein Kind bei der Hand ergreifen grasp ( oder grab umg) a child by the hand; auch 6
    2. (festnehmen) (Dieb etc) seize, catch, get hold of
    3. (erfassen) Gefühle etc: seize, take hold of; Flammen (Haus etc) envelop, engulf, take hold in; Wellen etc: engulf, carry sb away
    4. (erschüttern) move ( oder stir) deeply
    5. (überkommen) overcome, overwhelm, carry sb away;
    von Angst/einer Krankheit ergriffen werden be seized ( oder gripped) by fear/be afflicted by ( oder with) ( oder fall prey oder fall victim to) a disease
    6. fig (wählen, anfangen) (Initiative, Maßnahme) take; (Beruf) take up, begin;
    von etwas Besitz ergreifen take possession of sth, take sth over;
    die Flucht ergreifen (turn tail and) flee geh, opt for flight liter; zu Fuß auch run away, take to one’s heels;
    jemandes Partei ergreifen come in on sb’s side, take up the cudgels for sb umg, US auch go to bat for sb umg;
    das Wort ergreifen (begin to) speak; auch 1
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges transitives Verb
    1) grab

    die Macht ergreifen(fig.) seize power

    2) (festnehmen) catch <thief etc.>
    3) (fig.): (erfassen) seize

    von blindem Zorn ergriffen(geh.) in the grip of blind anger

    4) (fig.): (aufnehmen)

    die Initiative/eine Gelegenheit ergreifen — take the initiative/an opportunity

    5) (fig.): (bewegen) move
    * * *
    to catch hold of expr.
    to gripe v.
    to seize v.
    to take v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: took, taken)
    to take hold of expr.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > ergreifen

  • 9 תפס

    תָּפַס, תָּפַשׂ(b. h.; cmp. תָּפַף) to seize, take hold on; to take effect. Keth.84b את תּוֹפֵס לבעל חובוכ׳ thou seizest property in behalf of a creditor when the debtor owes others, ואמרר׳ י׳ התופסוכ׳ and R. J. has decided that he who seizes in behalf of a creditor when there are other claimants has not taken legal possession. Ib. top והוא שת׳ מחיים (his possession is effectual) when he has seized it during the decedents life-time. Ab. Zar.8b (expl. קרטיסיס) יום שתָּפְסָה בו רומי מלכות the day when Rome took hold of the government (of the east, v. תְּפִיסָה). Y.Taan.IV, 68c top היה משה תוֹפְשָׂן Moses held fast on them (the tablets). R. Hash. 4b, a. fr. תָּפַסְתָּ מרובהוכ׳, v. מוּעָט. B. Mets. 102b, a. e. תְּפוֹס לשון אחרון hold to the latter expression, i. e. if an agreement contains two discrepant clauses, the second is legally recognized; Ten. 26a a. e. תפוס לשון ראשון the first clause (of a vow) is legally recognized. Yeb.10b, a. fr. אין קודושין תּוֹפְסִיןוכ׳, v. קִידּוּש. Y.Dem.VI, 25b תָּפְשָׂה מדת הדיןוכ׳ justice takes hold on him, i. e. the full rigor of the law is applied against him Num. R. s. 111> (ref. to Prov. 3:34) אלו הנזירים שתּוֹפְשִׂים ענוה בעצמןוכ׳ that means the Nazarites who choose humility for themselves, who abstain from wine Ib. 108> ותְפָשָׂם and arrested them, v. לוּפָר. Snh.64a מפני מה תפסה תורה לשון מולך why does the Biblical text choose the word Molekh (in place of idol in general)?, Y.Ber.VII, 11c top, a. e. תופסין אותו seize him, take him to task, v. נַקְדָּן. Ab. Zar.64a דמי … מי תוֹפֶסֶת דמיהוכ׳ how about money which was realized by the sale of an idol, in the hands of a gentile? does the idol hold its equivalent in gentile hands or not?, i. e. does the money in gentile hands retain its character as compensation for an idol, and is it thus forbidden to a Jew? Ex. R. s. 1520> היה שלמה תופס פיווכ׳ Solomon controlled his mouth, in order not to speak before Gen. R. s. 12 כל … תופסין את הלשון וזה אינו תופסוכ׳ all other letters catch the tongue (require an effort of the organs of speech), but this (the Hé) does not catch (is merely a breathing sound).Part. pass. תָּפוּס, תָּפוּשׂ; f. תְּפוּסָה, תְּפוּשָׂה a) (cmp. אָחוּז s. v. אָחַז) holding. Y. Taan. l. c. היה משה ת׳ בטפחיים Moses was holding two handbreadths (of the tablets). Ex. R. s. 46, beg. חיה ת׳ בלוחותוכ׳ he held the tablets, and would not believe that Israel had sinned. Sifra Bḥuck. Par. 2, ch. VIII תְּפוּסֵי מעשהוכ׳ holding to the deeds of their fathers, generation after generation; a. e.b) seized, captured. Mekh. Mishp., s. 17 תפוסה the outraged woman, opp. מפותה the seduced. Nif. נִתְפַּס, נִתְפַּשׂ to be seized, arrested; to have ones property seized; to be made responsible. Ex. R. s. 1518> בן ביתשנ׳ על ידי בעלוכ׳ a domestic servant who was seized for his employers debt. Tosef.Ḥull.II, 24 נ׳ ע״ר מינות, v. מִינוּת. Ib. ונִתְפַּסְתִּי עלוכ׳ and therefore I was arrested on the suspicion of heresy. Ab. Zar.17b כשנִתְפְּסוּר׳ אלעזרוכ׳ when R. El. a. R. H. b. T. were arrested (by Roman officials, for rebellious conduct). Ib. אשריך שנִתְפַּסְתָּ עלוכ׳ happy art thou, for thou hast been arrested on one charge only, and woe me that I have been arrested on five charges. B. Bath.16b אין אדם נ׳ על צערו Ms. M. (ed. בשעת) no man is taken to account for what he speaks in his distress. Sabb.33b נִתְפָּסִים על הדור are seized for the debt (die for the sins) of their generation. Y.Keth.XIII, 35d כל הנ׳ על חבירו חייב ליתן לו in every case if ones property was seized for a neighbors debt, the latter has to reimburse him; ib. אין לך נ׳וכ׳ in no case must he reimburse him, except in the case of annona and head-tax; Y.B. Kam.X, end, 7c; Y.Ned.IV, beg.38c. Deut. R. s. 2, beg. (prov.) הוי זהיר שלא תִתָּפֵס מקום דבורך take care that thou be not caught on the spot where thou speakest (held to thy word); a. fr. Hif. חִתְפִּיס to cause to be seized, cause to take hold. Y.Succ.IV, 54d top ראה שהִתְפִּיסָתְךָ התורה לשוןוכ׳ behold, the Law has made thee use the expression of endearment Tem.2a הכל מַתְפִּיסִין בתמורה all persons can cause the seizure of the substitute together with the original by exchanging a consecrated animal (v. תְּמוּרָה). Ib. 9a מי מַתְפִּיס בדבר שאינו שלו can one cause the seizure of a thing which is not his?; a. e.Ned.11b, sq. מתפיס, v. next w. Pi. תִּפֵּס, תִּפֵּשׂ (v. טָפַס) to climb, rise. Gen. R. s. 66, end (ref. to Prov. 30:28) באיזה זכות השממית מְתַפֶּשֶׂת בזכותוכ׳ for what merit does the spider (Esau-Rome) climb (rise to power)? For the merit of those hands (with which Esau nursed his father, by ref. to Gen. 27:31); Yalk. ib. 115; Yalk. Prov. 963 תְּתַפֵּשׂ. Pirel תִּרְפֵּס, Hithparel הִתַּרְפֵּס same. Y.Erub.V, 22d top רואה אותי כי מִיתַּרְפֵּס ועולה מְתַרְפֵּס ויורד, (v. טָפַס) you look upon it (measure the distance for Sabbath purposes) as if one would climb up and climb down (the wady).

    Jewish literature > תפס

  • 10 תפשׂ

    תָּפַס, תָּפַשׂ(b. h.; cmp. תָּפַף) to seize, take hold on; to take effect. Keth.84b את תּוֹפֵס לבעל חובוכ׳ thou seizest property in behalf of a creditor when the debtor owes others, ואמרר׳ י׳ התופסוכ׳ and R. J. has decided that he who seizes in behalf of a creditor when there are other claimants has not taken legal possession. Ib. top והוא שת׳ מחיים (his possession is effectual) when he has seized it during the decedents life-time. Ab. Zar.8b (expl. קרטיסיס) יום שתָּפְסָה בו רומי מלכות the day when Rome took hold of the government (of the east, v. תְּפִיסָה). Y.Taan.IV, 68c top היה משה תוֹפְשָׂן Moses held fast on them (the tablets). R. Hash. 4b, a. fr. תָּפַסְתָּ מרובהוכ׳, v. מוּעָט. B. Mets. 102b, a. e. תְּפוֹס לשון אחרון hold to the latter expression, i. e. if an agreement contains two discrepant clauses, the second is legally recognized; Ten. 26a a. e. תפוס לשון ראשון the first clause (of a vow) is legally recognized. Yeb.10b, a. fr. אין קודושין תּוֹפְסִיןוכ׳, v. קִידּוּש. Y.Dem.VI, 25b תָּפְשָׂה מדת הדיןוכ׳ justice takes hold on him, i. e. the full rigor of the law is applied against him Num. R. s. 111> (ref. to Prov. 3:34) אלו הנזירים שתּוֹפְשִׂים ענוה בעצמןוכ׳ that means the Nazarites who choose humility for themselves, who abstain from wine Ib. 108> ותְפָשָׂם and arrested them, v. לוּפָר. Snh.64a מפני מה תפסה תורה לשון מולך why does the Biblical text choose the word Molekh (in place of idol in general)?, Y.Ber.VII, 11c top, a. e. תופסין אותו seize him, take him to task, v. נַקְדָּן. Ab. Zar.64a דמי … מי תוֹפֶסֶת דמיהוכ׳ how about money which was realized by the sale of an idol, in the hands of a gentile? does the idol hold its equivalent in gentile hands or not?, i. e. does the money in gentile hands retain its character as compensation for an idol, and is it thus forbidden to a Jew? Ex. R. s. 1520> היה שלמה תופס פיווכ׳ Solomon controlled his mouth, in order not to speak before Gen. R. s. 12 כל … תופסין את הלשון וזה אינו תופסוכ׳ all other letters catch the tongue (require an effort of the organs of speech), but this (the Hé) does not catch (is merely a breathing sound).Part. pass. תָּפוּס, תָּפוּשׂ; f. תְּפוּסָה, תְּפוּשָׂה a) (cmp. אָחוּז s. v. אָחַז) holding. Y. Taan. l. c. היה משה ת׳ בטפחיים Moses was holding two handbreadths (of the tablets). Ex. R. s. 46, beg. חיה ת׳ בלוחותוכ׳ he held the tablets, and would not believe that Israel had sinned. Sifra Bḥuck. Par. 2, ch. VIII תְּפוּסֵי מעשהוכ׳ holding to the deeds of their fathers, generation after generation; a. e.b) seized, captured. Mekh. Mishp., s. 17 תפוסה the outraged woman, opp. מפותה the seduced. Nif. נִתְפַּס, נִתְפַּשׂ to be seized, arrested; to have ones property seized; to be made responsible. Ex. R. s. 1518> בן ביתשנ׳ על ידי בעלוכ׳ a domestic servant who was seized for his employers debt. Tosef.Ḥull.II, 24 נ׳ ע״ר מינות, v. מִינוּת. Ib. ונִתְפַּסְתִּי עלוכ׳ and therefore I was arrested on the suspicion of heresy. Ab. Zar.17b כשנִתְפְּסוּר׳ אלעזרוכ׳ when R. El. a. R. H. b. T. were arrested (by Roman officials, for rebellious conduct). Ib. אשריך שנִתְפַּסְתָּ עלוכ׳ happy art thou, for thou hast been arrested on one charge only, and woe me that I have been arrested on five charges. B. Bath.16b אין אדם נ׳ על צערו Ms. M. (ed. בשעת) no man is taken to account for what he speaks in his distress. Sabb.33b נִתְפָּסִים על הדור are seized for the debt (die for the sins) of their generation. Y.Keth.XIII, 35d כל הנ׳ על חבירו חייב ליתן לו in every case if ones property was seized for a neighbors debt, the latter has to reimburse him; ib. אין לך נ׳וכ׳ in no case must he reimburse him, except in the case of annona and head-tax; Y.B. Kam.X, end, 7c; Y.Ned.IV, beg.38c. Deut. R. s. 2, beg. (prov.) הוי זהיר שלא תִתָּפֵס מקום דבורך take care that thou be not caught on the spot where thou speakest (held to thy word); a. fr. Hif. חִתְפִּיס to cause to be seized, cause to take hold. Y.Succ.IV, 54d top ראה שהִתְפִּיסָתְךָ התורה לשוןוכ׳ behold, the Law has made thee use the expression of endearment Tem.2a הכל מַתְפִּיסִין בתמורה all persons can cause the seizure of the substitute together with the original by exchanging a consecrated animal (v. תְּמוּרָה). Ib. 9a מי מַתְפִּיס בדבר שאינו שלו can one cause the seizure of a thing which is not his?; a. e.Ned.11b, sq. מתפיס, v. next w. Pi. תִּפֵּס, תִּפֵּשׂ (v. טָפַס) to climb, rise. Gen. R. s. 66, end (ref. to Prov. 30:28) באיזה זכות השממית מְתַפֶּשֶׂת בזכותוכ׳ for what merit does the spider (Esau-Rome) climb (rise to power)? For the merit of those hands (with which Esau nursed his father, by ref. to Gen. 27:31); Yalk. ib. 115; Yalk. Prov. 963 תְּתַפֵּשׂ. Pirel תִּרְפֵּס, Hithparel הִתַּרְפֵּס same. Y.Erub.V, 22d top רואה אותי כי מִיתַּרְפֵּס ועולה מְתַרְפֵּס ויורד, (v. טָפַס) you look upon it (measure the distance for Sabbath purposes) as if one would climb up and climb down (the wady).

    Jewish literature > תפשׂ

  • 11 תָּפַס

    תָּפַס, תָּפַשׂ(b. h.; cmp. תָּפַף) to seize, take hold on; to take effect. Keth.84b את תּוֹפֵס לבעל חובוכ׳ thou seizest property in behalf of a creditor when the debtor owes others, ואמרר׳ י׳ התופסוכ׳ and R. J. has decided that he who seizes in behalf of a creditor when there are other claimants has not taken legal possession. Ib. top והוא שת׳ מחיים (his possession is effectual) when he has seized it during the decedents life-time. Ab. Zar.8b (expl. קרטיסיס) יום שתָּפְסָה בו רומי מלכות the day when Rome took hold of the government (of the east, v. תְּפִיסָה). Y.Taan.IV, 68c top היה משה תוֹפְשָׂן Moses held fast on them (the tablets). R. Hash. 4b, a. fr. תָּפַסְתָּ מרובהוכ׳, v. מוּעָט. B. Mets. 102b, a. e. תְּפוֹס לשון אחרון hold to the latter expression, i. e. if an agreement contains two discrepant clauses, the second is legally recognized; Ten. 26a a. e. תפוס לשון ראשון the first clause (of a vow) is legally recognized. Yeb.10b, a. fr. אין קודושין תּוֹפְסִיןוכ׳, v. קִידּוּש. Y.Dem.VI, 25b תָּפְשָׂה מדת הדיןוכ׳ justice takes hold on him, i. e. the full rigor of the law is applied against him Num. R. s. 111> (ref. to Prov. 3:34) אלו הנזירים שתּוֹפְשִׂים ענוה בעצמןוכ׳ that means the Nazarites who choose humility for themselves, who abstain from wine Ib. 108> ותְפָשָׂם and arrested them, v. לוּפָר. Snh.64a מפני מה תפסה תורה לשון מולך why does the Biblical text choose the word Molekh (in place of idol in general)?, Y.Ber.VII, 11c top, a. e. תופסין אותו seize him, take him to task, v. נַקְדָּן. Ab. Zar.64a דמי … מי תוֹפֶסֶת דמיהוכ׳ how about money which was realized by the sale of an idol, in the hands of a gentile? does the idol hold its equivalent in gentile hands or not?, i. e. does the money in gentile hands retain its character as compensation for an idol, and is it thus forbidden to a Jew? Ex. R. s. 1520> היה שלמה תופס פיווכ׳ Solomon controlled his mouth, in order not to speak before Gen. R. s. 12 כל … תופסין את הלשון וזה אינו תופסוכ׳ all other letters catch the tongue (require an effort of the organs of speech), but this (the Hé) does not catch (is merely a breathing sound).Part. pass. תָּפוּס, תָּפוּשׂ; f. תְּפוּסָה, תְּפוּשָׂה a) (cmp. אָחוּז s. v. אָחַז) holding. Y. Taan. l. c. היה משה ת׳ בטפחיים Moses was holding two handbreadths (of the tablets). Ex. R. s. 46, beg. חיה ת׳ בלוחותוכ׳ he held the tablets, and would not believe that Israel had sinned. Sifra Bḥuck. Par. 2, ch. VIII תְּפוּסֵי מעשהוכ׳ holding to the deeds of their fathers, generation after generation; a. e.b) seized, captured. Mekh. Mishp., s. 17 תפוסה the outraged woman, opp. מפותה the seduced. Nif. נִתְפַּס, נִתְפַּשׂ to be seized, arrested; to have ones property seized; to be made responsible. Ex. R. s. 1518> בן ביתשנ׳ על ידי בעלוכ׳ a domestic servant who was seized for his employers debt. Tosef.Ḥull.II, 24 נ׳ ע״ר מינות, v. מִינוּת. Ib. ונִתְפַּסְתִּי עלוכ׳ and therefore I was arrested on the suspicion of heresy. Ab. Zar.17b כשנִתְפְּסוּר׳ אלעזרוכ׳ when R. El. a. R. H. b. T. were arrested (by Roman officials, for rebellious conduct). Ib. אשריך שנִתְפַּסְתָּ עלוכ׳ happy art thou, for thou hast been arrested on one charge only, and woe me that I have been arrested on five charges. B. Bath.16b אין אדם נ׳ על צערו Ms. M. (ed. בשעת) no man is taken to account for what he speaks in his distress. Sabb.33b נִתְפָּסִים על הדור are seized for the debt (die for the sins) of their generation. Y.Keth.XIII, 35d כל הנ׳ על חבירו חייב ליתן לו in every case if ones property was seized for a neighbors debt, the latter has to reimburse him; ib. אין לך נ׳וכ׳ in no case must he reimburse him, except in the case of annona and head-tax; Y.B. Kam.X, end, 7c; Y.Ned.IV, beg.38c. Deut. R. s. 2, beg. (prov.) הוי זהיר שלא תִתָּפֵס מקום דבורך take care that thou be not caught on the spot where thou speakest (held to thy word); a. fr. Hif. חִתְפִּיס to cause to be seized, cause to take hold. Y.Succ.IV, 54d top ראה שהִתְפִּיסָתְךָ התורה לשוןוכ׳ behold, the Law has made thee use the expression of endearment Tem.2a הכל מַתְפִּיסִין בתמורה all persons can cause the seizure of the substitute together with the original by exchanging a consecrated animal (v. תְּמוּרָה). Ib. 9a מי מַתְפִּיס בדבר שאינו שלו can one cause the seizure of a thing which is not his?; a. e.Ned.11b, sq. מתפיס, v. next w. Pi. תִּפֵּס, תִּפֵּשׂ (v. טָפַס) to climb, rise. Gen. R. s. 66, end (ref. to Prov. 30:28) באיזה זכות השממית מְתַפֶּשֶׂת בזכותוכ׳ for what merit does the spider (Esau-Rome) climb (rise to power)? For the merit of those hands (with which Esau nursed his father, by ref. to Gen. 27:31); Yalk. ib. 115; Yalk. Prov. 963 תְּתַפֵּשׂ. Pirel תִּרְפֵּס, Hithparel הִתַּרְפֵּס same. Y.Erub.V, 22d top רואה אותי כי מִיתַּרְפֵּס ועולה מְתַרְפֵּס ויורד, (v. טָפַס) you look upon it (measure the distance for Sabbath purposes) as if one would climb up and climb down (the wady).

    Jewish literature > תָּפַס

  • 12 תָּפַשׂ

    תָּפַס, תָּפַשׂ(b. h.; cmp. תָּפַף) to seize, take hold on; to take effect. Keth.84b את תּוֹפֵס לבעל חובוכ׳ thou seizest property in behalf of a creditor when the debtor owes others, ואמרר׳ י׳ התופסוכ׳ and R. J. has decided that he who seizes in behalf of a creditor when there are other claimants has not taken legal possession. Ib. top והוא שת׳ מחיים (his possession is effectual) when he has seized it during the decedents life-time. Ab. Zar.8b (expl. קרטיסיס) יום שתָּפְסָה בו רומי מלכות the day when Rome took hold of the government (of the east, v. תְּפִיסָה). Y.Taan.IV, 68c top היה משה תוֹפְשָׂן Moses held fast on them (the tablets). R. Hash. 4b, a. fr. תָּפַסְתָּ מרובהוכ׳, v. מוּעָט. B. Mets. 102b, a. e. תְּפוֹס לשון אחרון hold to the latter expression, i. e. if an agreement contains two discrepant clauses, the second is legally recognized; Ten. 26a a. e. תפוס לשון ראשון the first clause (of a vow) is legally recognized. Yeb.10b, a. fr. אין קודושין תּוֹפְסִיןוכ׳, v. קִידּוּש. Y.Dem.VI, 25b תָּפְשָׂה מדת הדיןוכ׳ justice takes hold on him, i. e. the full rigor of the law is applied against him Num. R. s. 111> (ref. to Prov. 3:34) אלו הנזירים שתּוֹפְשִׂים ענוה בעצמןוכ׳ that means the Nazarites who choose humility for themselves, who abstain from wine Ib. 108> ותְפָשָׂם and arrested them, v. לוּפָר. Snh.64a מפני מה תפסה תורה לשון מולך why does the Biblical text choose the word Molekh (in place of idol in general)?, Y.Ber.VII, 11c top, a. e. תופסין אותו seize him, take him to task, v. נַקְדָּן. Ab. Zar.64a דמי … מי תוֹפֶסֶת דמיהוכ׳ how about money which was realized by the sale of an idol, in the hands of a gentile? does the idol hold its equivalent in gentile hands or not?, i. e. does the money in gentile hands retain its character as compensation for an idol, and is it thus forbidden to a Jew? Ex. R. s. 1520> היה שלמה תופס פיווכ׳ Solomon controlled his mouth, in order not to speak before Gen. R. s. 12 כל … תופסין את הלשון וזה אינו תופסוכ׳ all other letters catch the tongue (require an effort of the organs of speech), but this (the Hé) does not catch (is merely a breathing sound).Part. pass. תָּפוּס, תָּפוּשׂ; f. תְּפוּסָה, תְּפוּשָׂה a) (cmp. אָחוּז s. v. אָחַז) holding. Y. Taan. l. c. היה משה ת׳ בטפחיים Moses was holding two handbreadths (of the tablets). Ex. R. s. 46, beg. חיה ת׳ בלוחותוכ׳ he held the tablets, and would not believe that Israel had sinned. Sifra Bḥuck. Par. 2, ch. VIII תְּפוּסֵי מעשהוכ׳ holding to the deeds of their fathers, generation after generation; a. e.b) seized, captured. Mekh. Mishp., s. 17 תפוסה the outraged woman, opp. מפותה the seduced. Nif. נִתְפַּס, נִתְפַּשׂ to be seized, arrested; to have ones property seized; to be made responsible. Ex. R. s. 1518> בן ביתשנ׳ על ידי בעלוכ׳ a domestic servant who was seized for his employers debt. Tosef.Ḥull.II, 24 נ׳ ע״ר מינות, v. מִינוּת. Ib. ונִתְפַּסְתִּי עלוכ׳ and therefore I was arrested on the suspicion of heresy. Ab. Zar.17b כשנִתְפְּסוּר׳ אלעזרוכ׳ when R. El. a. R. H. b. T. were arrested (by Roman officials, for rebellious conduct). Ib. אשריך שנִתְפַּסְתָּ עלוכ׳ happy art thou, for thou hast been arrested on one charge only, and woe me that I have been arrested on five charges. B. Bath.16b אין אדם נ׳ על צערו Ms. M. (ed. בשעת) no man is taken to account for what he speaks in his distress. Sabb.33b נִתְפָּסִים על הדור are seized for the debt (die for the sins) of their generation. Y.Keth.XIII, 35d כל הנ׳ על חבירו חייב ליתן לו in every case if ones property was seized for a neighbors debt, the latter has to reimburse him; ib. אין לך נ׳וכ׳ in no case must he reimburse him, except in the case of annona and head-tax; Y.B. Kam.X, end, 7c; Y.Ned.IV, beg.38c. Deut. R. s. 2, beg. (prov.) הוי זהיר שלא תִתָּפֵס מקום דבורך take care that thou be not caught on the spot where thou speakest (held to thy word); a. fr. Hif. חִתְפִּיס to cause to be seized, cause to take hold. Y.Succ.IV, 54d top ראה שהִתְפִּיסָתְךָ התורה לשוןוכ׳ behold, the Law has made thee use the expression of endearment Tem.2a הכל מַתְפִּיסִין בתמורה all persons can cause the seizure of the substitute together with the original by exchanging a consecrated animal (v. תְּמוּרָה). Ib. 9a מי מַתְפִּיס בדבר שאינו שלו can one cause the seizure of a thing which is not his?; a. e.Ned.11b, sq. מתפיס, v. next w. Pi. תִּפֵּס, תִּפֵּשׂ (v. טָפַס) to climb, rise. Gen. R. s. 66, end (ref. to Prov. 30:28) באיזה זכות השממית מְתַפֶּשֶׂת בזכותוכ׳ for what merit does the spider (Esau-Rome) climb (rise to power)? For the merit of those hands (with which Esau nursed his father, by ref. to Gen. 27:31); Yalk. ib. 115; Yalk. Prov. 963 תְּתַפֵּשׂ. Pirel תִּרְפֵּס, Hithparel הִתַּרְפֵּס same. Y.Erub.V, 22d top רואה אותי כי מִיתַּרְפֵּס ועולה מְתַרְפֵּס ויורד, (v. טָפַס) you look upon it (measure the distance for Sabbath purposes) as if one would climb up and climb down (the wady).

    Jewish literature > תָּפַשׂ

  • 13 heilig

    1. KIRCHL. holy; (geheiligt, geweiht) sacred, hallowed; vor Eigennamen: Saint (Abk. St, St.); heilig sprechen canonize; der heilige Antonius St ( oder St.) Anthony; der Heilige Abend Christmas Eve; der Heilige Geist / Stuhl / Vater the Holy Spirit ( oder Ghost)/ See / Father; das Heilige Grab / Land the Holy Sepulch|re (Am. -er)/ Land; die Heilige Jungfrau the Blessed Virgin; Heilige Maria Holy Mary; die Heilige Schrift the Bible, the Holy Scriptures Pl.; die Heiligen Drei Könige the Three Kings, the Three Wise Men; das Heilige Römische Reich HIST. the Holy Roman Empire
    2. (fromm) altm. pious, devout; heilig tun umg., pej. act the saint
    3. geh. (unantastbar) sacred, inviolable, sacrosanct; (ehrwürdig) venerable; (feierlich) solemn; heilige Kuh auch iro. sacred cow; jemandes heilige Pflicht s.o.’s sacred duty; das ist mein heiliger Ernst I’m in deadly earnest; ihn erfasste ein heiliger Zorn he was seized with righteous anger; ihm ist nichts heilig nothing is sacred to him; schwören bei allem, was ( einem) heilig ist swear by all that is holy; den Sonntag heilig halten keep the Sabbath holy, observe the Sabbath
    4. umg. (groß) Angst, Respekt: tremendous; seine heilige Not haben mit have terrible trouble with
    5. umg. in Ausrufen: heiliger Bimbam oder Strohsack etc.! holy smoke!, ye gods!
    * * *
    holy; saintly; sacred
    * * *
    hei|lig ['hailɪç]
    1) holy; (= geweiht, geheiligt) sacred, holy; (bei Namen von Heiligen) Saint; (old = fromm) devout, saintly; (pej) holier-than-thou

    jdm héílig sein (lit, fig)to be sacred to sb

    bei allem, was héílig ist — by all that is sacred, by all that I hold sacred

    die héílige Veronika — Saint Veronica

    der héílige Augustinus — Saint Augustine

    das héílige Abendmahl, die héílige Kommunion — Holy Communion

    die Heilige Dreifaltigkeit/Familie/Stadt — the Holy Trinity/Family/City

    der Heilige Geist/Vater/Stuhl — the Holy Spirit/Father/See

    die Heiligen Drei Könige — the Three Kings or Wise Men, the Magi

    das Heiligste (lit, fig)the holy of holies

    2) (fig = ernst) Eid, Pflicht sacred, solemn; Recht sacred; Eifer, Zorn righteous; (von Ehrfurcht erfüllt) Stille, Schauer awed; (= unantastbar) Würde, Gefühl, Gewohnheit sacred

    héílige Kuh — sacred cow

    es ist mein héíliger Ernst — I am deadly serious (Brit), I am in dead earnest

    3) (inf = groß) incredible (inf); Respekt healthy, incredible (inf)

    mit jdm/etw seine héílige Not haben — to have a hard time with sb/sth

    von einer héíligen Angst gepackt werden — to be scared out of one's wits


    (inf in Ausrufen) (ach du) héíliger Bimbam or Strohsack!, héíliges Kanonenrohr! — holy smoke! (inf), hell's bell's! (inf)

    * * *
    1) (holy: the Blessed Virgin.) blessed
    2) ((worthy of worship or respect because) associated with God, Jesus, a saint etc; sacred: the Holy Bible; holy ground.) holy
    3) (good; pure; following the rules of religion: a holy life.) holy
    4) (of God or a god; (that must be respected because) connected with religion or with God or a god: Temples, mosques, churches and synagogues are all sacred buildings.) sacred
    5) ((of a duty etc) which must be done etc eg because of respect for someone: He considered it a sacred duty to fulfil his dead father's wishes.) sacred
    * * *
    1. REL (geweiht) holy
    die \heilige katholische Kirche the Holy Catholic Church
    die \heilige Kommunion Holy Communion
    jdm ist etw \heilig sth is sacred to sb
    jdm ist nichts \heilig nothing is sacred to sb
    bei allem, was jdm \heilig ist by all that is sacred to sb
    der \heilige Matthäus/die \heilige Katharina Saint Matthew/Saint Catherine
    die H\heilige Jungfrau the Blessed Virgin
    3. (ehrfürchtig) awed
    4. (fam: groß) incredible
    ein \heiliger Zorn incredible anger
    ein \heiliger Respekt healthy respect
    etw ist jds \heilige Pflicht
    es ist deine \heilige Pflicht, dich um deine alten Eltern zu kümmern it's your solemn duty to look after your old parents
    * * *
    1) holy

    die heilige Barbara/der heilige Augustinus — Saint Barbara/Saint Augustine

    die Heilige Familie/Dreifaltigkeit — the Holy Family/Trinity

    die Heiligen Drei Königethe Three Kings or Wise Men; the Magi

    das Heilige Römische Reich(hist.) the Holy Roman Empire

    jemanden heilig sprechen(kath. Kirche) canonize somebody

    2) (besonders geweiht) holy; sacred

    heilige Stättenholy or sacred places

    der Heilige Abend/die Heilige Nacht — Christmas Eve/Night

    3) (geh.): (unantastbar) sacred <right, tradition, cause, etc.>; sacred, solemn < duty>; gospel < truth>; solemn <conviction, oath>; righteous < anger, zeal>; awed < silence>

    bei allem, was mir heilig ist — by all that I hold sacred; s. auch hoch 2. 4)

    4) (ugs.): (groß) incredible (coll.); healthy < respect>
    * * *
    heilig adj
    1. KIRCHE holy; (geheiligt, geweiht) sacred, hallowed; vor Eigennamen: Saint (abk St, St.);
    der heilige Antonius St ( oder St.) Anthony;
    der Heilige Abend Christmas Eve;
    der Heilige Geist/Stuhl/Vater the Holy Spirit ( oder Ghost)/See/Father;
    das Heilige Grab/Land the Holy Sepulchre (US -er)/Land;
    die Heilige Jungfrau the Blessed Virgin;
    Heilige Maria Holy Mary;
    die Heilige Schrift the Bible, the Holy Scriptures pl;
    die Heiligen Drei Könige the Three Kings, the Three Wise Men;
    das Heilige Römische Reich HIST the Holy Roman Empire
    2. (fromm) obs pious, devout;
    heilig tun umg, pej act the saint
    3. geh (unantastbar) sacred, inviolable, sacrosanct; (ehrwürdig) venerable; (feierlich) solemn;
    heilige Kuh auch iron sacred cow;
    jemandes heilige Pflicht sb’s sacred duty;
    das ist mein heiliger Ernst I’m in deadly earnest;
    ihn erfasste ein heiliger Zorn he was seized with righteous anger;
    ihm ist nichts heilig nothing is sacred to him;
    schwören bei allem, was (einem) heilig ist swear by all that is holy
    4. umg (groß) Angst, Respekt: tremendous;
    seine heilige Not haben mit have terrible trouble with
    5. umg in Ausrufen:
    Strohsack etc! holy smoke!, ye gods!
    hl. abk (heilig) St.
    * * *
    1) holy

    die heilige Barbara/der heilige Augustinus — Saint Barbara/Saint Augustine

    die Heilige Familie/Dreifaltigkeit — the Holy Family/Trinity

    die Heiligen Drei Königethe Three Kings or Wise Men; the Magi

    das Heilige Römische Reich(hist.) the Holy Roman Empire

    jemanden heilig sprechen(kath. Kirche) canonize somebody

    2) (besonders geweiht) holy; sacred

    heilige Stättenholy or sacred places

    der Heilige Abend/die Heilige Nacht — Christmas Eve/Night

    3) (geh.): (unantastbar) sacred <right, tradition, cause, etc.>; sacred, solemn < duty>; gospel < truth>; solemn <conviction, oath>; righteous <anger, zeal>; awed < silence>

    bei allem, was mir heilig ist — by all that I hold sacred; s. auch hoch 2. 4)

    4) (ugs.): (groß) incredible (coll.); healthy < respect>
    * * *
    holy adj.
    sacred adj.
    saintly adj. adv.
    sacredly adv.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > heilig

  • 14 Gelegenheit

    1. opportunity, chance; (Anlass) occasion; bei Gelegenheit (irgendwann) some time; (wenn möglich) when I etc. get a chance; bei dieser Gelegenheit lernte ich ihn kennen that’s when I got to know him; bei dieser Gelegenheit möchte ich... I’d like to take this opportunity to (+ Inf.) ( oder of [+ Ger.]); bei dieser Gelegenheit möchte ich bemerken... I’d like to take this opportunity to say ( oder of saying)...; bei der ersten Gelegenheit as soon as I etc. can, the first chance I etc. get umg., at the earliest opportunity geh.; bei solchen Gelegenheiten at such times; bei jeder sich bietenden / passenden und unpassenden Gelegenheit at any and every opportunity, at the drop of a hat; Gelegenheit haben zu (+ Inf.) have the opportunity ( oder chance) to (+ Inf.) die Gelegenheit ergreifen oder wahrnehmen, nutzen zu (+ Inf.) take the opportunity to (+ Inf.) ( oder of [+ Ger.]); die Gelegenheit ungenutzt verstreichen lassen pass up the opportunity; sie hat die Gelegenheit beim Schopf gepackt she seized the opportunity; jemandem Gelegenheit geben zu (+ Inf.) give s.o. the opportunity to (+ Inf.) ( oder of + Ger.), give s.o. a ( oder the) chance to (+ Inf.) es bot sich eine Gelegenheit an opportunity came up ( oder presented itself); ein Kleid für besondere Gelegenheiten a dress for special occasions; Gelegenheit macht Diebe Sprichw. opportunity makes the thief; Gelegenheit zum 3:0 SPORT chance to make it 3-0 (= three nil, Am. three to nothing)
    2. WIRTS. (günstiges Angebot) bargain
    * * *
    die Gelegenheit
    (Anlass) occasion;
    (Möglichkeit) chance; way; opportunity
    * * *
    Ge|le|gen|heit [gə'leːgnhait]
    f -, -en
    1) (= günstiger Umstand, Zeitpunkt) opportunity

    bei Gelégenheit — some time (or other)

    bei passender Gelégenheit — when the opportunity arises

    bei passender Gelégenheit werde ich... — when I get the opportunity or chance I'll...

    bei der ersten ( besten) Gelégenheit — at the first opportunity

    (die) Gelégenheit haben — to get an or the opportunity or a or the chance (etw zu tun to do sth)

    jdm (die) Gelégenheit geben or bieten — to give sb an or the opportunity or a or the chance (etw zu tun to do sth)

    Gelégenheit macht Diebe (Prov)opportunity makes a thief

    2) (= Anlass) occasion

    bei dieser Gelégenheit — on this occasion

    ein Kleid für alle Gelégenheiten — a dress suitable for all occasions

    3) (COMM) bargain
    * * *
    1) (a particular time: I've heard him speak on several occasions.) occasion
    2) (an opportunity for work: There are good openings in the automobile industry.) opening
    3) (a chance to do or a time for doing (something): an opportunity to go to Rome; You've had several opportunities to ask him.) opportunity
    4) (a need or possibility (for something): There is room for improvement in his work.) room
    * * *
    <-, -en>
    1. (günstiger Moment) opportunity
    bei der nächsten [o ersten [besten]] \Gelegenheit at the first opportunity
    bei nächster \Gelegenheit at the next opportunity
    bei passender \Gelegenheit at an opportune moment, when the opportunity arises
    jdm die \Gelegenheit bieten [o geben], etw zu tun to give sb the opportunity of doing [or to do] sth
    die \Gelegenheit haben, etw zu tun to have the opportunity of doing [or to do] sth
    bei \Gelegenheit some time
    2. (Anlass) occasion
    bei dieser \Gelegenheit on this occasion
    3. (günstiges Angebot) bargain
    \Gelegenheit macht Diebe (prov) opportunity makes a thief
    die \Gelegenheit beim Schopf[e] fassen [o (fam) packen] [o (geh) ergreifen] to seize [or grab] the opportunity with both hands
    * * *
    die; Gelegenheit, Gelegenheiten

    die Gelegenheit nutzenmake the most of the opportunity

    die Gelegenheit beim Schopf[e] fassen od. ergreifen — grab or seize the opportunity with both hands

    2) (Anlass) occasion
    * * *
    1. opportunity, chance; (Anlass) occasion;
    bei Gelegenheit (irgendwann) some time; (wenn möglich) when I etc get a chance;
    bei dieser Gelegenheit lernte ich ihn kennen that’s when I got to know him;
    bei dieser Gelegenheit möchte ich … I’d like to take this opportunity to (+inf) ( oder of [ +ger]);
    bei dieser Gelegenheit möchte ich bemerken … I’d like to take this opportunity to say ( oder of saying) …;
    bei der ersten Gelegenheit as soon as I etc can, the first chance I etc get umg, at the earliest opportunity geh;
    bei jeder sich bietenden/passenden und unpassenden Gelegenheit at any and every opportunity, at the drop of a hat;
    Gelegenheit haben zu (+inf) have the opportunity ( oder chance) to (+inf)
    wahrnehmen, nutzen zu (+inf) take the opportunity to (+inf) ( oder of [ +ger]);
    sie hat die Gelegenheit beim Schopf gepackt she seized the opportunity;
    jemandem Gelegenheit geben zu (+inf) give sb the opportunity to (+inf) ( oder of +ger), give sb a ( oder the) chance to (+inf)
    es bot sich eine Gelegenheit an opportunity came up ( oder presented itself);
    ein Kleid für besondere Gelegenheiten a dress for special occasions;
    Gelegenheit macht Diebe sprichw opportunity makes the thief;
    Gelegenheit zum 3:0 SPORT chance to make it 3-0 (= three nil, US three to nothing)
    2. WIRTSCH (günstiges Angebot) bargain
    * * *
    die; Gelegenheit, Gelegenheiten

    die Gelegenheit beim Schopf[e] fassen od. ergreifen — grab or seize the opportunity with both hands

    2) (Anlass) occasion
    * * *
    chance n.
    facility n.
    instance n.
    occasion n.
    opportunity n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Gelegenheit

  • 15 seize

    [si:z] vt
    1) ( grab)
    to \seize sth etw ergreifen [o packen];
    to \seize sb jdn packen;
    to \seize sb by the arm/ throat/ wrist jdn am Arm/an der Kehle/beim Handgelenk packen;
    to \seize sth with both hands etw mit beiden Händen greifen
    (fig: overcome)
    to be \seized with sth von etw dat ergriffen werden;
    to be \seized with desire von Begierde gepackt werden;
    to be \seized with panic von Panik erfasst werden
    to \seize the initiative/ an opportunity die Initiative/eine Gelegenheit ergreifen;
    to \seize an opportunity with both hands eine Gelegenheit mit beiden Händen ergreifen
    4) ( capture)
    to \seize sth etw einnehmen [o erobern];
    to \seize a criminal einen Verbrecher festnehmen;
    to \seize a fortress/ harbour/ town eine Festung/einen Hafen/eine Stadt einnehmen [o erobern];
    to \seize a hostage eine Geisel nehmen;
    to \seize power die Macht ergreifen;
    ( more aggressively) die Macht an sich akk reißen
    to \seize sth etw beschlagnahmen vi
    to \seize on [or upon] sth idea etw aufgreifen;
    to \seize on an excuse zu einer Ausrede greifen

    English-German students dictionary > seize

  • 16 Furcht

    f; -, kein Pl.
    1. fear ( vor + Dat of); stärker: dread (of); Furcht haben vor (+ Dat) be afraid ( oder scared oder frightened) of; aus Furcht vor (+ Dat) because he’s etc. afraid ( oder scared oder frightened) of, for fear of (+ Ger.) vor Furcht erstarren be paralysed with fear; ohne Furcht sein, keine Furcht kennen be fearless, know no fear; ohne Furcht und Tadel without fear or reproach; jemandem Furcht einflößen oder einjagen frighten ( oder scare) s.o.; stärker: terrify s.o.; Furcht einflößend oder erregend frightening; unter der Bevölkerung Furcht und Schrecken verbreiten spread terror among the people, terrorize the people; zwischen Furcht und Hoffnung schweben be in a state of trepidation, be on tenterhooks; längerfristig: live in fear and trepidation
    2. altm. (Ehrfurcht) awe ( vor + Dat, + Gen of); die Furcht Gottes the fear of God
    * * *
    die Furcht
    fright; dread; apprehensibility; fear
    * * *
    Fụrcht [fʊrçt]
    f -, no pl

    aus Furcht vor jdm/etw — for fear of sb/sth

    ohne Furcht seinto be fearless, to be without fear

    Furcht vor jdm/etw haben or empfinden — to be afraid of sb/sth, to fear sb/sth

    Furcht ergriff or packte ihn — fear seized him, he was seized with fear

    jdn in Furcht versetzen, jdm Furcht einflößen — to frighten or scare sb

    Furcht einflößend — terrifying, fearful

    * * *
    1) ((a) feeling of great worry or anxiety caused by the knowledge of danger: The soldier tried not to show his fear; fear of water.) fear
    2) (great fear: She lives in dread of her child being drowned in the canal; His voice was husky with dread.) dread
    * * *
    f kein pl fear
    jdm sitzt die \Furcht im Nacken sb's frightened out of his/her wits
    \Furcht [vor jdm/etw] haben [o (geh) empfinden] to be afraid of sb/sth, to fear sb/sth
    hab' keine \Furcht! don't be afraid!, fear not! hum
    sei ohne \Furcht! (geh) do not fear! form, fear not! hum
    \Furcht einflößend [o erregend] terrifying
    jdn in \Furcht versetzen to frighten sb
    jdm \Furcht einflößen to strike fear into sb form
    vor \Furcht zittern to tremble with fear
    aus \Furcht vor jdm/etw for fear of sb/sth
    * * *
    die; Furcht: fear

    Furcht vor jemandem/etwas haben — fear somebody/something

    aus Furcht vor jemandem/etwas — for fear of somebody/something

    * * *
    Furcht f; -, kein pl
    1. fear (
    vor +dat of); stärker: dread (of);
    Furcht haben vor (+dat) be afraid ( oder scared oder frightened) of;
    aus Furcht vor (+dat) because he’s etc afraid ( oder scared oder frightened) of, for fear of (+ger)
    vor Furcht erstarren be paralysed with fear;
    ohne Furcht sein, keine Furcht kennen be fearless, know no fear;
    ohne Furcht und Tadel without fear or reproach;
    einjagen frighten ( oder scare) sb; stärker: terrify sb;
    erregend frightening;
    unter der Bevölkerung Furcht und Schrecken verbreiten spread terror among the people, terrorize the people;
    zwischen Furcht und Hoffnung schweben be in a state of trepidation, be on tenterhooks; längerfristig: live in fear and trepidation
    2. obs (Ehrfurcht) awe (
    vor +dat, +en of);
    die Furcht Gottes the fear of God
    * * *
    die; Furcht: fear

    Furcht vor jemandem/etwas haben — fear somebody/something

    aus Furcht vor jemandem/etwas — for fear of somebody/something

    jemanden in Furcht und Schrecken versetzen — fill somebody with terror; terrify somebody

    * * *
    apprehension n.
    dread n.
    fear n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Furcht

  • 17 desaparecer

    1 to disappear.
    me ha desaparecido la pluma my pen has disappeared
    será mejor que desaparezcas de escena durante una temporada you'd better make yourself scarce for a while
    desaparecer de la faz de la tierra to vanish from the face of the earth
    ¡desaparece de mi vista ahora mismo! get out of my sight this minute!
    La tristeza desaparece al amanecer Sadness disappears at dawn.
    Sus dudas desaparecieron His doubts disappeared.
    2 to go missing.
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ AGRADECER], like link=agradecer agradecer
    1 (dejar de estar) to disappear
    desaparecer del mapa figurado to vanish off the face of the earth
    hacer desaparecer to cause to disappear, hide 2 (quitar) to get rid of
    * * *
    to disappear, vanish
    * * *
    1. VI
    1) [persona, objeto] to disappear, go missing

    ¡desaparece de mi vista! — get out of my sight!

    2) [mancha, olor, síntoma] to disappear, go (away)
    3) euf (=morir) to pass away
    VT LAm (Pol) to disappear

    desaparecieron a los disidentes — they disappeared the dissidents, the dissidents were disappeared

    * * *
    verbo intransitivo
    a) ( de lugar) to disappear
    b) dolor/síntoma/cicatriz to disappear, go; costumbre to disappear, die out; mancha to come out
    c) ( de la vista) to disappear

    desapareció entre la muchedumbrehe disappeared o vanished into the crowd

    desaparece de mi vista — (fam) get out of my sight

    desaparecerse v pron (Andes) to disappear
    * * *
    = disappear, disband, fade (away/out), fall into + obscurity, vanish, die out, evaporate, go away, dissolve, pass on, go + missing, sweep away, slip through + the cracks, swallow up, slip from + the scene, go out of + existence, go + the way of the dodo, follow + the dodo, go + the way of the horseless carriage, go + the way of the dinosaur(s), blow away, wither away, drop from + sight, pass away, fizzle out, efface, fade into + obscurity, fade into + oblivion, go + forever, peter out, skulk off, sneak off, sneak away, go into + hiding, wear off, be all gone.
    Ex. This feature, portability, can be a mixed blessing-things which can be moved have a habit of disappearing.
    Ex. With the completion of the draft in 1983, the Working Group on an International Authority System was officially disbanded.
    Ex. Trails that are not frequently followed are prone to fade, items are not fully permanent, memory is transitory.
    Ex. The acid rain literature illustrated the 1st paradigm, where journals from the unadjusted literature were thrust forward in the adjusted literature, and no unadjusted journal fell into obscurity.
    Ex. She seized her sweater and purse and vanished.
    Ex. These changes accelerated through much of the nineteenth century, with the older material such as the chivalric romance dying out about the 1960s.
    Ex. It is pointless to create interest if it is then allowed to evaporate because the books cannot be obtained.
    Ex. Not surprisingly, the girls went away embarrassed, and the mother, if she was any better informed, was certainly none the wiser.
    Ex. He adjusted himself comfortably in the chair, overlapped his legs, and blew a smoke ring that dissolved two feet above her head.
    Ex. Further, it is true in nature that organisms are born, grow and mature, decline and pass on.
    Ex. This article describes the consequences of a burglary of a during which the desktop system, computer, image setter, and a FAX machine went missing.
    Ex. Librarians should ensure that the principles they stand for are not swept away on a tide of technological jingoism.
    Ex. The author discusses the factors which have led to early adolescent services slipping through the cracks.
    Ex. The growing complexity of computing environments requires creative solutions to prevent the gain in productivity promised by computing advances from being swallowed up by the necessity of moving information from one environment to another.
    Ex. With their numbers and their prices, serials in the paper format are as a spring fog slipping from the scene.
    Ex. The volunteer fire companies went out of existence, as did their library associations.
    Ex. Today, all of the early independents have gone the way of the dodo = En la actualidad, todas las empresas independientes originales han desaparecido.
    Ex. It has the choice: to follow the dodo or to rise again like the phoenix.
    Ex. When databases of information (particularly in full text) first became available on the Internet, many users felt that thesauri and subject classifications were no longer needed and would go the way of horseless carriages.
    Ex. The library will have to learn to cope with new technology and even larger amounts of material if it wishes to avoid going the way of the dinosaur.
    Ex. Its prediction that, with the passing of years, the taint of scandal will blow away, looks over-optimistic.
    Ex. He concludes that public libraries will wither away, together with the rights of the individual member of the public to information.
    Ex. The older material, such as the chivalric romances, dropped from sight.
    Ex. These tools are useable for analytical studies of how technologies emerge, mature and pass away.
    Ex. Over the weekend, she started three articles and each one fizzled out for lack of inspiration.
    Ex. The beauty, the aliveness, the creativity, the passion that made her lovable and gave her life meaning has been effaced.
    Ex. But he may be put under house arrest, a dire fate for a man who is terrified of fading into obscurity.
    Ex. The music industry as we know it is slowly fading into oblivion.
    Ex. Those were the good old days and now they have gone forever.
    Ex. Press demands for information soon petered out but enquiries from the general public continued for many months.
    Ex. Good attendance with 21 people there though a few skulked off without paying!.
    Ex. One of the great joys in life is sneaking off.
    Ex. So I decided to take my chances and sneak away quietly on a day when Fabiola had a group meeting at her lab.
    Ex. The three have been jailed for more than two weeks while a fourth journalist went into hiding after receiving a judicial summons.
    Ex. We're all familiar with the idea of novelty value and how it wears off with time.
    Ex. The hall is quiet, the band has packed up, and the munchies are all gone.
    * aparecer y desaparecer = come and go.
    * barreras + desaparecer = boundaries + dissolve.
    * desaparecer de la faz de la tierra = vanish from + the face of the earth, disappear from + the face of the earth.
    * desaparecer en el horizonte cabalgando al atardecer = ride off + into the sunset.
    * desaparecer en la distancia = disappear in + the distance.
    * desaparecer gradualmente = fade into + the sunset.
    * desaparecer las diferencias = blur + distinctions, blur + the lines between, blur + the boundaries between.
    * desaparecer poco a poco = fade into + the sunset.
    * desaparecer sin dejar huella = evaporate into + thin air, vanish into + thin air, disappear into + thin air, disappear without + a trace, disappear into + the blue, vanish into + the blue.
    * desaparecer sin dejar rastro = evaporate into + thin air, vanish into + thin air, disappear into + thin air, disappear without + a trace, disappear into + the blue, vanish into + the blue.
    * desear fuertemente que Algo desaparezca = will + Nombre + away.
    * estar desapareciendo = be on the way out.
    * hacer desaparecer = eradicate, dispel, banish.
    * hacer desaparecer un mito = dispel + myth.
    * hacer mucho tiempo que Algo ha desaparecido = be long gone.
    * límites + desaparecer = boundaries + crumble.
    * problema + desaparecer = problem + go away.
    * que no desaparece = lingering.
    * viejas costumbres nunca desaparecen, las = old ways never die, the.
    * * *
    verbo intransitivo
    a) ( de lugar) to disappear
    b) dolor/síntoma/cicatriz to disappear, go; costumbre to disappear, die out; mancha to come out
    c) ( de la vista) to disappear

    desapareció entre la muchedumbrehe disappeared o vanished into the crowd

    desaparece de mi vista — (fam) get out of my sight

    desaparecerse v pron (Andes) to disappear
    * * *
    = disappear, disband, fade (away/out), fall into + obscurity, vanish, die out, evaporate, go away, dissolve, pass on, go + missing, sweep away, slip through + the cracks, swallow up, slip from + the scene, go out of + existence, go + the way of the dodo, follow + the dodo, go + the way of the horseless carriage, go + the way of the dinosaur(s), blow away, wither away, drop from + sight, pass away, fizzle out, efface, fade into + obscurity, fade into + oblivion, go + forever, peter out, skulk off, sneak off, sneak away, go into + hiding, wear off, be all gone.

    Ex: This feature, portability, can be a mixed blessing-things which can be moved have a habit of disappearing.

    Ex: With the completion of the draft in 1983, the Working Group on an International Authority System was officially disbanded.
    Ex: Trails that are not frequently followed are prone to fade, items are not fully permanent, memory is transitory.
    Ex: The acid rain literature illustrated the 1st paradigm, where journals from the unadjusted literature were thrust forward in the adjusted literature, and no unadjusted journal fell into obscurity.
    Ex: She seized her sweater and purse and vanished.
    Ex: These changes accelerated through much of the nineteenth century, with the older material such as the chivalric romance dying out about the 1960s.
    Ex: It is pointless to create interest if it is then allowed to evaporate because the books cannot be obtained.
    Ex: Not surprisingly, the girls went away embarrassed, and the mother, if she was any better informed, was certainly none the wiser.
    Ex: He adjusted himself comfortably in the chair, overlapped his legs, and blew a smoke ring that dissolved two feet above her head.
    Ex: Further, it is true in nature that organisms are born, grow and mature, decline and pass on.
    Ex: This article describes the consequences of a burglary of a during which the desktop system, computer, image setter, and a FAX machine went missing.
    Ex: Librarians should ensure that the principles they stand for are not swept away on a tide of technological jingoism.
    Ex: The author discusses the factors which have led to early adolescent services slipping through the cracks.
    Ex: The growing complexity of computing environments requires creative solutions to prevent the gain in productivity promised by computing advances from being swallowed up by the necessity of moving information from one environment to another.
    Ex: With their numbers and their prices, serials in the paper format are as a spring fog slipping from the scene.
    Ex: The volunteer fire companies went out of existence, as did their library associations.
    Ex: Today, all of the early independents have gone the way of the dodo = En la actualidad, todas las empresas independientes originales han desaparecido.
    Ex: It has the choice: to follow the dodo or to rise again like the phoenix.
    Ex: When databases of information (particularly in full text) first became available on the Internet, many users felt that thesauri and subject classifications were no longer needed and would go the way of horseless carriages.
    Ex: The library will have to learn to cope with new technology and even larger amounts of material if it wishes to avoid going the way of the dinosaur.
    Ex: Its prediction that, with the passing of years, the taint of scandal will blow away, looks over-optimistic.
    Ex: He concludes that public libraries will wither away, together with the rights of the individual member of the public to information.
    Ex: The older material, such as the chivalric romances, dropped from sight.
    Ex: These tools are useable for analytical studies of how technologies emerge, mature and pass away.
    Ex: Over the weekend, she started three articles and each one fizzled out for lack of inspiration.
    Ex: The beauty, the aliveness, the creativity, the passion that made her lovable and gave her life meaning has been effaced.
    Ex: But he may be put under house arrest, a dire fate for a man who is terrified of fading into obscurity.
    Ex: The music industry as we know it is slowly fading into oblivion.
    Ex: Those were the good old days and now they have gone forever.
    Ex: Press demands for information soon petered out but enquiries from the general public continued for many months.
    Ex: Good attendance with 21 people there though a few skulked off without paying!.
    Ex: One of the great joys in life is sneaking off.
    Ex: So I decided to take my chances and sneak away quietly on a day when Fabiola had a group meeting at her lab.
    Ex: The three have been jailed for more than two weeks while a fourth journalist went into hiding after receiving a judicial summons.
    Ex: We're all familiar with the idea of novelty value and how it wears off with time.
    Ex: The hall is quiet, the band has packed up, and the munchies are all gone.
    * aparecer y desaparecer = come and go.
    * barreras + desaparecer = boundaries + dissolve.
    * desaparecer de la faz de la tierra = vanish from + the face of the earth, disappear from + the face of the earth.
    * desaparecer en el horizonte cabalgando al atardecer = ride off + into the sunset.
    * desaparecer en la distancia = disappear in + the distance.
    * desaparecer gradualmente = fade into + the sunset.
    * desaparecer las diferencias = blur + distinctions, blur + the lines between, blur + the boundaries between.
    * desaparecer poco a poco = fade into + the sunset.
    * desaparecer sin dejar huella = evaporate into + thin air, vanish into + thin air, disappear into + thin air, disappear without + a trace, disappear into + the blue, vanish into + the blue.
    * desaparecer sin dejar rastro = evaporate into + thin air, vanish into + thin air, disappear into + thin air, disappear without + a trace, disappear into + the blue, vanish into + the blue.
    * desear fuertemente que Algo desaparezca = will + Nombre + away.
    * estar desapareciendo = be on the way out.
    * hacer desaparecer = eradicate, dispel, banish.
    * hacer desaparecer un mito = dispel + myth.
    * hacer mucho tiempo que Algo ha desaparecido = be long gone.
    * límites + desaparecer = boundaries + crumble.
    * problema + desaparecer = problem + go away.
    * que no desaparece = lingering.
    * viejas costumbres nunca desaparecen, las = old ways never die, the.

    * * *
    1 (de un lugar) to disappear
    desapareció sin dejar huella he disappeared o vanished without trace, he did a vanishing trick o a disappearing act ( hum)
    hizo desaparecer el sombrero ante sus ojos he made the hat disappear o vanish before their very eyes
    en esta oficina las cosas tienden a desaparecer things tend to disappear o go missing in this office
    2 «dolor/síntoma» to disappear; «cicatriz» to disappear, go; «costumbre» to disappear, die out
    lo dejé en remojo y la mancha desapareció I left it to soak and the stain came out
    tenía que hacer desaparecer las pruebas he had to get rid of the evidence
    3 (de la vista) to disappear
    el sol desapareció detrás de una nube the sun disappeared o went behind a cloud
    el ladrón desapareció entre la muchedumbre the thief disappeared o vanished into the crowd
    desaparece de mi vista antes de que te pegue ( fam); get out of my sight before I wallop you ( colloq)
    1 (de un lugar) to disappear
    se desaparecieron mis gafas my glasses have disappeared
    2 (de la vista) to disappear
    * * *


    desaparecer ( conjugate desaparecer) verbo intransitivo [persona/objeto] to disappear;
    [dolor/síntoma/cicatriz] to disappear, go;
    [ costumbre] to disappear, die out;
    [ mancha] to come out
    desaparecerse verbo pronominal (Andes) to disappear
    desaparecer verbo intransitivo to disappear: me ha desaparecido la cartera, I can't find my wallet
    el sol desapareció detrás de las nubes, the sun vanished behind the clouds
    ♦ Locuciones: desaparecer del mapa/de la faz de la tierra, to vanish off the face of the earth
    ' desaparecer' also found in these entries:
    - disipar
    - escabullirse
    - lance
    - magia
    - mapa
    - obliterar
    - perderse
    - volar
    - volatilizarse
    - camino
    - comer
    - ir
    - pasar
    - quitar
    - sacar
    - dissipate
    - linger
    - lost
    - magic away
    - melt away
    - sink away
    - trace
    - vanish
    - face
    - melt
    - missing
    * * *
    1. [de la vista] to disappear (de from);
    desapareció tras las colinas it dropped out of sight behind the hills;
    me ha desaparecido la pluma my pen has disappeared;
    hizo desaparecer una paloma y un conejo he made a dove and a rabbit vanish;
    será mejor que desaparezcas de escena durante una temporada you'd better make yourself scarce for a while;
    desaparecer de la faz de la tierra to vanish from the face of the earth;
    ¡desaparece de mi vista ahora mismo! get out of my sight this minute!
    2. [dolor, síntomas, mancha] to disappear, to go;
    [cicatriz] to disappear; [sarpullido] to clear up
    3. [en guerra, accidente] to go missing, to disappear;
    muchos desaparecieron durante la represión many people disappeared during the crackdown
    Am [persona] = to detain extrajudicially during political repression and possibly kill
    * * *
    I v/i disappear, vanish
    II v/t L.Am.
    disappear fam, make disappear
    * * *
    desaparecer {53} vt
    : to cause to disappear
    : to disappear, to vanish
    * * *
    desaparecer vb to disappear

    Spanish-English dictionary > desaparecer

  • 18 durchfahren

    v/i (unreg., trennb., ist -ge-)
    1. durchfahren ( durch) pass ( oder go) through; MOT. auch drive through; NAUT. sail through
    2. die ( ganze) Nacht durchfahren drive ( oder travel) all ( oder through the [whole]) night; bis X durchfahren drive etc. nonstop to X; der Zug fährt in X durch the train doesn’t stop in X; bei Rot durchfahren run a (red) light
    v/t (unreg., untr., hat)
    1. go ( oder pass) through; MOT. auch drive through; NAUT. sail through; go etc. across; (Strecke) drive
    2. fig.: mich durchfuhr der Gedanke, dass... it suddenly struck ( oder hit) me that...; ein Schreck etc. durchfuhr ihn he was suddenly hit by a shock etc.; stärker: fear etc. suddenly gripped him
    * * *
    dụrch|fah|ren ['dʊrçfaːrən]
    vi sep irreg aux sein
    1) (durch einen Ort, Tunnel etc) to go through (durch etw sth)
    2) (= nicht anhalten/umsteigen) to go straight through (without stopping/changing)

    er ist bei Rot durchgefahrenhe jumped the lights

    * * *
    vi irreg Hilfsverb: sein
    1. (zwischen etw fahren)
    zwischen etw dat \durchfahren to go [or drive] between [or through] sth
    2. (fahrend durchbrechen)
    durch etw akk \durchfahren to crash through sth
    3. (nicht anhalten)
    [bei etw dat] \durchfahren to travel straight through
    das Auto fuhr bei Rot durch the car drove [straight] through the red light [or ran the red light]
    die Nacht \durchfahren to drive through the night
    unter etw dat \durchfahren to travel [or pass] under sth
    das hohe Fahrzeug kann unter dieser Brücke nicht \durchfahren this high vehicle can't drive under the bridge
    durch·fah·ren *2
    jdn \durchfahren
    1. (plötzlich bewusst werden) to flash through sb's mind
    2. (von Empfindung ergriffen werden) to go through sb
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb; mit sein

    [durch etwas] durchfahren — drive through [something]

    2) (nicht anhalten) go straight through; (mit dem Auto) drive straight through; (fahren, ohne umsteigen zu müssen) travel direct; go straight through

    der Zug fährt [in H.] durch — the train doesn't stop [at H.]

    der Zug fährt bis München durch — the train is non-stop to Munich

    unregelmäßiges transitives Verb
    1) travel through; < train> pass through; (mit dem Auto) drive through
    2) (zurücklegen) cover < distance>; complete <course, lap>

    plötzlich durchfuhr ihn ein Schreckhe was seized with sudden fright

    * * *
    'durchfahren v/i (irr, trennb, ist -ge-)
    durchfahren (durch) pass ( oder go) through; AUTO auch drive through; SCHIFF sail through
    die (ganze) Nacht durchfahren drive ( oder travel) all ( oder through the [whole]) night;
    bis X durchfahren drive etc nonstop to X;
    der Zug fährt in X durch the train doesn’t stop in X;
    bei Rot durchfahren run a (red) light
    durch'fahren v/t (irr, untrennb, hat)
    1. go ( oder pass) through; AUTO auch drive through; SCHIFF sail through; go etc across; (Strecke) drive
    2. fig:
    mich durchfuhr der Gedanke, dass … it suddenly struck ( oder hit) me that …;
    durchfuhr ihn he was suddenly hit by a shock etc; stärker: fear etc suddenly gripped him
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb; mit sein

    [durch etwas] durchfahren — drive through [something]

    2) (nicht anhalten) go straight through; (mit dem Auto) drive straight through; (fahren, ohne umsteigen zu müssen) travel direct; go straight through

    der Zug fährt [in H.] durch — the train doesn't stop [at H.]

    unregelmäßiges transitives Verb
    1) travel through; < train> pass through; (mit dem Auto) drive through
    2) (zurücklegen) cover < distance>; complete <course, lap>
    * * *
    to go through v.
    to pass through v.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > durchfahren

  • 19 Ware

    Ware f 1. GEN article, commodity, product (unterliegt der Verbrauchssteuer); good, ware; 2. WIWI article, commodity, product; 3. V&M merchandise die Ware wurde noch nicht zugestellt GEN the goods remain undelivered
    * * *
    f 1. < Geschäft> unterliegt der Verbrauchssteuer article, commodity, product; 2. <Vw> article, commodity, product; 3. <V&M> merchandise ■ die Ware wurde noch nicht zugestellt < Geschäft> the goods remain undelivered
    * * *
    (Erzeugnis) product, (Handelsware) merchandise, (Kurszettel) offers, sellers, (Sammelbegriff) goods, articles, commodity, [sale] wares, stuff, (einzelnes Stück) article, parcel [of goods];
    Waren stock, products, (Warenart) line;
    nicht abgeholte Waren uncollected goods;
    abgepackte Waren [pre]packaged goods;
    abrufbereite Waren goods actually ready for immediate delivery;
    absatzfähige Waren marketable commodities;
    leicht absetzbare Waren fast-moving goods;
    schwer absetzbare (abzusetzende) Waren hard-to-move (slow-moving) products;
    sicher abzusetzende Waren articles certain to sell;
    angebotene Waren goods for sale;
    vom Zoll angehaltene Waren goods stopped at the customhouse;
    anmeldepflichtige Waren (Zoll) goods to declare;
    annehmbare Waren goods in fair condition;
    in beiliegender Rechnung aufgeführte Waren goods specified in the annexed invoice;
    auserlesene Waren choice goods (articles), picked goods;
    ausgeführte Waren exported goods;
    wieder ausgeführte Waren reexports;
    fälschlich als Markenprodukte ausgegebene Waren misbranded products;
    offen ausgelegte Waren open display;
    ausgestellte Waren merchandise displayed;
    im Schaufenster ausgestellte Waren articles shown in the window;
    zum Verkauf ausgestellte Waren goods exhibited for sale;
    ausgesuchte Waren choice goods (articles, quality);
    ausgezeichnete Waren price-labelled (marked) goods;
    nicht ausklarierte Ware uncleared goods;
    aussortierte Ware job goods;
    avisierte Waren advised goods;
    beanstandete Ware rejects;
    nicht auf Lager befindliche Waren items not stocked;
    unterwegs befindliche Waren goods afloat, afloat goods, merchandise in transit;
    auf dem Luftwege beförderte Waren merchandise consigned by air;
    in der Herstellung begriffene Waren goods in process;
    täglich benötigte Waren necessary articles;
    nach Maß berechnete Waren measurement goods;
    beschädigte Waren damaged (defective) goods;
    vom langen Liegen im Laden beschädigte Waren shop-worn (shop-soiled) merchandise;
    auf dem Transport beschädigte Waren goods damaged in transit;
    beschlagnahmte Waren confiscated (seized) goods;
    vom Zoll beschlagnahmte Waren goods held up at customs;
    bestellte Waren goods ordered;
    zur Ausfuhr bestimmte Waren goods intended for export;
    für den Inlandsverbrauch bestimmte Ware goods intended for home consumption;
    beim Kaufabschluss bestimmte Waren specific goods;
    bewirtschaftete Waren quota (rationed) goods, rationed (scarce) commodity;
    nicht bewirtschaftete Waren non-rationed goods, commodities not under control;
    nicht mehr bewirtschaftete Waren derationed goods;
    falsch bezeichnete Waren falsely marked merchandise;
    bezogene Waren purchased merchandise;
    bezugsbeschränkte Waren rationed (quota) goods;
    billige Waren low-priced goods;
    preislich billigere Waren lower-priced goods;
    braune Ware brown goods;
    [nicht] deklarierte Waren [un]declared goods;
    verkehrswidrig als Gepäck deklarierte Waren contraband baggage;
    devisenschwache Waren soft goods;
    devisenstarke Waren hard goods;
    disponible Waren disposable goods, stock on hand;
    drittklassige Waren thirds;
    durchgehende Waren transit goods;
    effektive Waren actual goods ready for immediate delivery;
    eingebürgerte Waren well-introduced articles;
    eingeführte Waren imported goods;
    gut eingeführte Waren popular make, well-kown merchandise (commodities), established products;
    unverzollt eingeführte Waren uncustomed merchandise;
    eingehende Waren incoming goods, receipts, arrivals;
    eingelagerte Waren stockpiled commodities, stored (warehouse) goods, goods (merchandise) in storage, goods in warehouse;
    eingeschmuggelte Waren smuggled goods;
    einheimische Waren home-made (inland) commodities, domestic goods;
    nicht einwandfreie Waren faulty goods;
    erstklassige Waren good-class (superior) articles, first-rate goods;
    noch zu erzeugende Waren future goods;
    etikettierte Waren labelled (branded) goods;
    exportierte Waren exported goods;
    fakturierte Waren invoiced goods;
    nicht unter Tarif fallende Waren exempt commodities;
    fehlende Waren missing goods, short interest;
    fehlerfreie Waren goods free from fault, goods in sound condition, faultless goods;
    fehlerhafte Waren defective goods;
    feinere Waren better description;
    halb fertige Waren semi-finished goods;
    feuergefährliche Waren inflammable cargo;
    flüssige Waren wet goods;
    freigegebene Waren goods taken out of pledge, derationed goods;
    gangbarste Waren leading articles;
    gängige Waren current articles, salable (marketable) goods;
    übrig gebliebene Waren remnants;
    gebrauchte Waren secondhand goods;
    gediegene Waren sterling goods;
    für den Export geeignete Waren export-quality goods;
    Gefahr bringende (gefährliche) Waren hazardous goods, dangerous articles;
    von Natur aus gefährliche Waren goods dangerous in themselves;
    nach Kundenwünschen gefertigte Waren custom-made goods;
    maschinell gefertigte Waren machine-made products;
    stark gefragte Waren quick-selling lines;
    in Auftrag gegebene Waren merchandise on order, ordered goods;
    in Zahlung gegebene Waren trade-in goods;
    im Preis gehaltene Waren price-maintained commodities;
    gekaufte Waren store goods (US);
    auf Kredit gekaufte Waren goods bought on credit;
    erst nach Preisvergleich gekaufte Waren shopping goods (US);
    spontan gekaufte Waren impulse goods (US);
    gekennzeichnete Waren marked goods;
    gelagerte Waren stored goods;
    vermischt gelagerte Waren commingled goods;
    gelieferte Waren goods sold and delivered;
    noch nicht gelieferte Waren undelivered goods;
    beim Zoll nicht gemeldete Waren undeclared goods;
    gemischte Waren mixed goods;
    genormte Waren standardized commodities;
    gepackte Waren package goods;
    gepfändete Waren distrained (seized) goods;
    aus Brandschäden (Seeschäden) gerettete Waren salvage stock;
    geringwertige Waren inferior(low-quality) goods;
    geschmuggelte Waren smuggled goods;
    nicht geschmuggelte Waren innocent goods;
    durch Einfuhrzölle geschützte Waren protected articles;
    fertig gestellte Waren finished (fully manufactured) goods;
    dem Kunden in Rechnung gestellte Waren goods billed to customer;
    zur Schau gestellte Waren merchandise displayed;
    gesuchte Waren articles in demand;
    gleichwertige Waren goods of the same standard;
    grobe Ware roughage;
    begrenzt haltbare Waren goods with limited shelf life;
    handgefertigte Waren handmade products;
    havarierte Waren goods damaged by sea water;
    heiße Waren hot goods;
    im Preis herabgesetzte Waren reduced (marked-down) merchandise, markdowns;
    über den Eigenbedarf hinaus hergestellte Ware surplus commodities;
    fabrikmäßig hergestellte Waren manufactured commodities;
    im Gefängnis (von Strafgefangenen) hergestellte Waren prison- (convict-) made goods;
    maschinell hergestellte Waren machine-made goods;
    von Nichtgewerkschaftlern hergestellte Waren tainted goods (Br.);
    serienmäßig hergestellte Waren mass- (volume-) produced goods;
    hochwertige (hoch qualifizierte) Waren high-quality (-grade) goods;
    importierte Waren imported goods;
    inflationsempfindliche Waren inflation-prone goods;
    inländische Waren home-made goods;
    katalogisierte Waren catalog(u)ed goods;
    käufliche Waren goods for sale;
    konkurrenzfähige Waren competitive products;
    konsignierte Waren consignment goods;
    kontingentierte Waren quota (rationed) goods;
    nicht kontingentierte Waren non-quota goods;
    [nicht] kriegswichtige Waren [non-]strategic goods;
    lagerfähige Waren storable goods;
    lebenswichtige Waren goods of vital necessity, essential goods;
    lieferbare Waren goods on hand (fit for acceptance);
    sofort lieferbare Waren spots, spot goods, (Börse) prompts (Br.);
    unter Zollverschluss liegende Waren goods in bond;
    lose Waren unpacked (bulk) goods;
    mangelhafte Waren faulty (defective) goods;
    markenpflichtige Waren coupon (rationed) goods;
    marktgängige Waren marketable products;
    nicht marktkonforme Waren down-market goods;
    minderwertige Waren goods of inferior workmanship, low-class (low-quality, poor-quality) goods, inferior products (goods), trumpery wares, wastrel, trash;
    modische Waren novelties, up-to-date merchandise;
    nachgemachte Waren imitation goods;
    Not leidende Waren distress merchandise;
    patentierte Waren patented articles (products), proprietary articles;
    preisgebundene Waren price-controlled (price-bound) merchandise, price-fixed (price-controlled, price-maintained) goods, fixed-price lines;
    preisgeschützte (preisstabile) Waren price-maintained goods (commodities);
    preiswerte Waren cheap line, good value;
    qualitätsgeminderte Waren substandard goods;
    rationierte Waren allocated (quota, rationed, coupon) goods;
    leicht realisierbare Waren readily marketable staples;
    reduzierte Waren as-is merchandise;
    reelle Waren good articles;
    retournierte (rückgesandte) Waren returned goods;
    rollende Waren rolling freight;
    saisonbedingte Waren commodities with a strong seasonal pattern;
    schlechte Waren faulty articles, inferior products (goods);
    schwimmende Waren floating goods, goods afloat;
    sicherungsübereignete Waren pledged goods (merchandise);
    sortierte Waren graded commodity;
    sperrige Waren bulky goods;
    nicht sperrige Waren goods of small bulk;
    spottbillige Waren sacrificed goods, dead bargain;
    im Eigentum des Verkäufers stehende Waren existing goods;
    zum Verkauf stehende Waren goods for sale;
    steuerpflichtige Waren taxable class of goods (commodity);
    tarierte Waren tared goods;
    tiefgekühlte Waren frozen goods;
    trockene Waren dry goods;
    übereignete Waren assigned goods;
    unter Eigentumsvorbehalt überlassene Waren merchandise on memorandum (US), memorandum goods (US), goods on commission;
    übersandte Waren forwarded (shipped, US) goods;
    schnell umschlagbare (umschlagende) Waren fast-moving (-selling) goods (items);
    unbeanstandete Ware not rejected goods;
    unbestellte Waren goods not ordered;
    unbezahlte Waren unpaid goods, goods left on our hands;
    unfertige Waren rough goods;
    unsortierte Waren non-graded products;
    unterdurchschnittliche Waren substandard goods;
    großen Kaufpreisschwankungen unterliegende Ware boom-and-bust commodity;
    der Preisüberwachung unterliegende Waren price-controlled articles;
    unterversicherte Waren underinsured goods;
    unverderbliche Waren non-perishable merchandise, non-perishables;
    unverkäufliche Waren dead commodities (stock), dud stock, drug in the market, unsalable articles;
    unvermischte Waren honest goods;
    unverpackte Waren unpacked (bulk, loose) goods;
    unversicherte Waren uninsured goods;
    unverzollte Waren uncustomed (unentered) goods;
    noch unverzollte Waren unentered goods;
    verarbeitete Waren processed goods;
    nicht verarbeitete Waren unprocessed (unfinished) commodity (goods);
    verderbliche Waren goods subject to deterioration;
    leicht verderbliche Waren goods which perish, perishable goods (commodities), perishables;
    verdorbene Waren spoilt (perished) goods;
    verfügbare Waren available (disposable) goods;
    in Kommission vergebene Waren goods on commission, memorandum goods (US);
    schnell vergriffene Waren goods selling like wildfire (hot cakes, Br., hot dogs, US);
    verkäufliche Waren marketable commodities;
    langsam verkäufliche Waren slow-moving merchandise, sleeper (US);
    leicht verkäufliche Waren fast-moving (-selling) goods, readily marketable staples;
    schwer verkäufliche Waren unsalable goods, articles hard to get rid of;
    verkaufsfähige Waren marketable products;
    vom Hersteller verkaufte Waren first-hand goods;
    nach dem Stück verkaufte Waren piece goods;
    nicht verladene Waren short interest;
    vermischte Waren mixed lot;
    verpackte Waren package[d] goods;
    in Kisten verpackte Ware cased goods;
    verpfändete Waren goods lying in pledge, pledged (mortgaged) goods;
    verplombte Waren leaded goods;
    versandfertige Waren goods ready for delivery;
    versandte Waren forwarded goods;
    in Behältern versandte Waren container-shipped goods;
    auf Rechnung versandte Waren goods shipped on account (US);
    verschiffte Waren goods shipped;
    mit Gewerkschaftsetikett versehene Waren union label goods (US);
    versicherte Waren insured goods;
    versteigerte Waren auctioned goods;
    vertretbare Waren fungible things, representative commodities;
    in beiliegender Rechnung verzeichnete Waren goods specified in the invoice attached;
    verzollte Waren cleared goods, goods out of bond;
    hoch verzollte Waren high-duty goods;
    nicht verzollte Waren uncleared goods;
    noch nicht verzollte Waren unentered goods;
    niedrig verzollte Waren low-rate articles, low-duty goods;
    virtuelle Waren virtual goods;
    vorrätige Waren goods on hand, available goods;
    ständig vorrätige Waren open stock;
    vorzügliche Waren choice commodities, articles of first (superior) quality;
    weiße Ware white goods;
    vom langen Liegen (durch Lagerung) im Laden wertgeminderte Waren shopworn merchandise;
    wertlose Waren trash, poor truck (US);
    zerbrechliche Waren fragile goods;
    zollfreie Waren duty-free articles (goods), free (uncustomed) goods;
    zollhängige Waren goods in the process of clearing, uncleared goods;
    zollpflichtige Waren dutiable (bonded) goods;
    unverlangt zugesandte Waren unsolicited goods;
    zugkräftige Waren articles of quick sale, popular articles;
    zurückgehende Waren returnable goods;
    zurückgelegte Waren lay-away (US);
    zurückgenommene Waren returns inward;
    zurückgesandte Waren returned goods, returns outward;
    zurückgesetzte Waren old stock, damaged goods, as-is merchandise;
    zurückgewiesene Waren rejected goods;
    zweitrangige Ware inferior goods;
    Waren zur Ansicht merchandise sent on approval (for inspection, show);
    Waren mittlerer Art und Güte merchandise quality, medium-quality goods, seconds;
    Waren des täglichen Bedarfs convenience goods (US);
    Waren von kriegswichtiger Bedeutung strategic goods;
    Waren mit hoher Gewinnspanne higher-margin merchandise;
    Waren ausländischer Herkunft goods of foreign origin;
    Waren auf Kredit merchandise on account;
    Waren auf Lager warehouse goods;
    Waren aus den Ländern des British Commonwealth Empire products;
    Waren der Lebensmittelindustrie prepared foodstuffs;
    Waren mit gleich bleibenden Preisen price-maintained articles;
    Waren in hoher Preislage high-cost merchandise;
    Waren mittlerer Preislage medium-priced goods;
    Waren niedriger Preislage low-priced goods;
    Waren bester Qualität high-class goods;
    Waren minderwertiger Qualität thirds;
    Waren mittlerer Qualität und Güte merchantable quality, medium-quality goods;
    Waren von schlechter Qualität poor-quality goods;
    Waren zweiter Qualität seconds;
    Waren mit geringer Umsatzgeschwindigkeit (Umschlaghäufigkeit) slow-moving goods (stock), sleeper (US);
    Waren mit hoher Umschlaggeschwindigkeit fast-moving (-selling) goods;
    Waren mit höherer Verdienstspanne higher-margin lines;
    Waren mit hohen Verkaufspreisen high-priced commodity;
    Waren aus der Vorkriegszeit prewar goods;
    Waren unter Zollverschluss bonded goods;
    Waren im Durchgangsverkehr abfertigen to convey goods in transit;
    Waren auf einer Liste abhaken to keep tally of goods;
    Waren abnehmen to take delivery of (accept, collect the) goods;
    Waren in großen Posten abnehmen to take up goods to a large amount;
    Waren abrufen to recall goods;
    Waren abschätzen to make a valuation of goods, to value goods;
    Waren absetzen to dispose (get off, place) goods, to push one’s wares;
    Waren flott (leicht) absetzen to sell goods easily;
    Waren abstoßen to sell off goods;
    Waren im Durchgangsverkehr abwickeln to convey goods in transit;
    Waren mit einem 10%igen Abschlag vom Normalpreis (unter Preis) anbieten to offer goods at 10 per cent off the regular price;
    Waren auf dem Markt anbieten to put an article on the market;
    seine Waren anpreisen to puff one’s wares (Br.);
    Waren aufdrängen to push goods;
    jem. minderwertige Waren aufdrängen to impose inferior goods upon s. o.;
    Waren aufkaufen to corner the market;
    Waren glatt aufnehmen (Börse) to absorb all offerings;
    jem. Waren aufschwindeln to palm off goods on s. o.;
    Waren in Partien aufteilen to parcel out goods;
    Waren zum Verkauf ausbreiten to spread (sort) out goods for sale;
    Waren ausklarieren to clear goods out of bond;
    Waren auslegen to flourish goods;
    Ware im Schaufenster auslegen to display goods in the shopwindow;
    Waren ausliefern to have goods delivered;
    Waren im Fenster ausstellen to display goods in the window;
    Waren auszeichnen to price (tally) goods, to ticket goods with prices;
    Waren billiger auszeichnen to mark down goods;
    Waren frei Achse befördern to cart goods;
    gute Waren für sein Geld bekommen to get good value for one’s money;
    verlorene Waren wertmäßig ersetzt bekommen to recover the value for lost merchandise;
    Waren für den Käufer bereitstellen to place goods at the buyer’s disposal;
    Waren bestellen to order goods;
    Waren über einen Vertreter bestellen to order goods through a representative;
    Waren bewerten to value goods;
    Waren beziehen to receive (obtain, procure, purchase) goods;
    seine Waren außerhalb beziehen to get commodities (supply o. s. with articles) from abroad;
    mit (auf) seinen Waren sitzen bleiben to be left with goods, to hold the bag (US);
    Waren an Bord bringen to deliver the goods on board;
    jem. Waren ins Haus bringen to deliver goods to s. one’s address;
    seine schlechten Waren unter die Leute bringen to foist one’s wares upon the public;
    Waren auf den Markt bringen to launch a new product, to introduce goods into (put goods on) the market;
    Waren im Ausland billig auf den Markt bringen to dump goods on foreign markets;
    seine Waren [beim Zoll] deklarieren to make a declaration, to make an entry of (enter) goods;
    Waren deponieren to warehouse goods;
    sich mit Waren eindecken to supply o. s. with goods;
    über den Bedarf mit Waren eindecken to overstock a shop;
    Waren einführen to bring in goods;
    Waren in ein Land einführen to introduce goods into a country;
    Waren zum freien Verkehr einführen to enter goods for consumption;
    Waren einlagern to lay in goods;
    zu viel Waren einlagern to overstock a shop;
    Waren nach Güteklassen einstufen to grade goods;
    seine Waren empfehlen to recommend one’s wares;
    Einfuhrzoll auf Waren erheben to levy a duty on goods;
    Waren auf einer Auktion erwerben to buy goods at the sales;
    Waren etikettieren to docket (label) goods;
    Waren feilbieten to expose goods for sale;
    billige Waren feilbieten to show a cheap line of goods;
    gegen Zahlung Waren freigeben to release goods against payment;
    Waren führen to have goods in stock, to have (keep) an article in stock, to deal in (stock) an article;
    alle Arten von Waren führen to stock varied goods;
    ausländische Waren führen to handle foreign goods;
    Verhandlungen über einzeln ausgewählte Waren führen to carry on negotiations on a selective product-by-product basis;
    Ware nicht mehr führen to be out (short) of an article;
    Waren in Kommission geben to deliver goods on sale or return;
    mit einer Ware in Rückstand geraten to run out of stock;
    Waren auf Lager Waren haben (halten) to carry goods in stock, to stock an article;
    Waren im Augenblick nicht auf Lager (vorrätig) haben not to stock an article, to be short of an article;
    mit einer Ware handeln to deal in an article;
    Preis einer Ware auf... herabsetzen to bring down the price of an article to...;
    Waren für den Verkauf herausstellen to get up articles for sale;
    Waren verschiedenster Beschaffenheit herstellen to manufacture goods in various qualities;
    Waren massenhaft herstellen to turn out large quantities of goods;
    Waren horten to hoard goods;
    Waren auf einer Auktion kaufen to buy goods at the sales;
    unbegrenzt verbrauchssteuerpflichtige Waren für den persönlichen Bedarf kaufen to buy an unlimited quantity of excise-paid products for personal use;
    Waren auf Termin kaufen to buy on terms;
    Waren kennzeichnen to identify goods by marks;
    Waren konditionieren to condition goods;
    Waren lagern to store (lay in) goods;
    Waren unter Zollverschluss lagern to have goods bonded;
    Waren verabfolgen lassen to have goods delivered;
    Waren liefern to supply with (deliver) goods;
    Waren auf Kredit liefern to supply goods on credit, to grant credit terms;
    Waren an einen Kunden liefern to serve a customer with goods;
    Waren lombardieren to lend money on goods, to hypothecate goods;
    Waren wieder in Besitz nehmen to repossess goods;
    Waren an Bord nehmen to take goods on board;
    Waren in Kommission nehmen to take goods on a consignment basis;
    Waren auf Kredit nehmen to take goods on credit;
    Waren auf Lager nehmen to put goods in stock, to lay in goods;
    Waren am Kai niederlegen to place goods on the dock;
    Waren billiger notieren to mark down the prices of goods;
    Waren pfänden to distrain upon (seize) goods;
    Waren prüfen to examine the goods;
    Waren retournieren to return articles;
    Waren per Express schicken to send goods by fast train;
    Waren per Nachnahme schicken to send goods cash (collect, US) on delivery;
    sich Waren sichern to assure o. s. with goods;
    Waren sortieren to grade goods;
    Waren in Rechnung stellen to bill goods;
    Waren zu niedrig in Rechnung stellen to underbill goods (US);
    Waren auf einem Stand zur Schau stellen to set out goods on a stall;
    Waren taxieren to value (make a valuation of) goods;
    Waren übereignen to assign goods;
    jem. Waren vertragsmäßig übergeben to bail goods to s. o.;
    Laden mit Waren übersättigen to overstock a shop;
    Waren auf Spekulation übersenden to venture goods;
    Waren unterbewerten to set too low a valuation on goods;
    Waren einer genauen Untersuchung unterziehen (unterwerfen) to submit goods to a careful examination;
    Waren auf dem Markt eines anderen Landes verbringen to introduce goods into the commerce of another country;
    Waren verkaufen to clear goods;
    als zweitklassige Waren verkaufen to sell goods under a secondary label;
    Waren in Ballen verkaufen to sell in bales;
    Waren nach dem Dutzend verkaufen to sell articles by the dozen (sets of a dozen);
    Waren unberechtigt als Markenartikel verkaufen to pass off goods as those of another make (US);
    Waren verpacken to wrap up goods;
    seine Waren in Ballen verpacken to pack up one’s wares, to make up one’s goods in bales;
    Waren für den Verkauf verpacken to box articles for sale;
    seinen Waren einen ausgezeichneten Ruf verschaffen to build up a good reputation for one’s goods;
    Waren versenden to forward goods;
    Waren mit der Eisenbahn versenden to send goods by rail;
    Waren zu einem bestimmten Frachtsatz versenden to rate goods (US);
    Waren ins Landesinnere versenden to intern goods;
    Waren auf dem Seeweg versenden to ship goods by sea;
    seine Waren unter falschem Warenzeichen vertreiben to pass off one’s goods as those of another make (US);
    Annahme von Waren verweigern to refuse goods;
    Waren verwerten to realize goods;
    Waren verzollen to clear goods at the customhouse;
    Waren an eine neue Adresse weiterbefördern to reconsign goods;
    Waren über Bord werfen to jettison goods;
    Waren auf den Markt werfen to throw goods on the market, (im Ausland) to dump goods on a foreign market;
    in Waren zahlen to pay in kind;
    Waren im Schaufenster zeigen to expose goods in a shop window;
    beschädigte Waren wieder zurechtmachen to render goods marketable;
    Waren zurücknehmen to take goods back;
    Waren unmittelbar zuschicken to dispatch goods direct.
    nachbekommen, Ware
    to get goods in replacement;
    nachbelasten to make an additional charge.

    Business german-english dictionary > Ware

  • 20 FARA

    * * *
    (fer; fór, fórum; farinn), v.
    1) to move, pass along, go;
    gekk hann hvargi sem hann fór, he walked wherever he went;
    fara heim (heiman), to go home (from home);
    fara á fund e-s to visit one;
    fjöld ek fór, I travelled much;
    hann sagði, hversu orð fóru með þeim, what words passed between them;
    absol., to go begging (ómagar, er þar eigu at fara í því þingi);
    2) with ‘ferð, leið’ or the like added in acc., gen., or dat.;
    fara leiðar sinnar, to go one’s way, proceed on one’s journey (= fara ferðar sinnar or ferða sinna, fara ferð sina, fara för sina, förum sínum);
    fara þessa ferð, to make this journey;
    fara fullum dagleiðum, to travel a full days journeys;
    fara stefnuför, to go a-summoning;
    fara bónorðsför, to go a-wooing;
    fara sigrför, to go on the path of victory, to triumph;
    fara góða för, to make a lucky journey;
    fig., fara ósigr, to be defeated;
    fara mikinn skaða, to suffer great damage;
    fara hneykju, skömm, to incur disgrace;
    fara erendleysu, to fail in one’s errand;
    with the road in acc. (fara fjöll ok dala);
    3) fara búðum, bygðum, vistum, to move, change one’s abode;
    fara eldi ok arni, to move one’s hearth and fire;
    4) fara einn saman, to go alone;
    fara eigi ein saman, to go with child (= fara með barni);
    5) with infin.;
    fara sofa, to go to sleep (allir menn vóru sofa farnir);
    fara vega, to go to fight;
    fara leita, to go seeking (var leita farit);
    6) with an a., etc.;
    fara villr, to go astray;
    fara haltr, to walk lame;
    fara vanstiltr, to go out of one’s mind;
    fara duldr e-s, to be unaware of;
    fara andvígr e-m, to give battle;
    fara leyniliga (leynt), to be kept secret;
    eigi má þetta svá fara, this cannot go on in that way;
    fjarri ferr þat, far from it, by no means;
    fór þat fjarri, at ek vilda, I was far from desiring it;
    7) to turn out, end;
    fór þat sem líkligt var, it turned out as was likely (viz. ended ill);
    svá fór, at, the end was, that;
    ef svá ferr sem ek get til, if it turns out as I guess;
    á sómu leið fór um aðra sendimenn, it went the same way with the other messengers;
    8) to fare well, ill;
    biðja e-n vel fara, to bid one farewell;
    9) to suit, fit, esp. of clothes, hair (ekki þykkir mér kyrtill þinn fara betr en stakkr minn; hárit fór vel);
    impers., fór illa á hestinum, it sat ill on the horse;
    10) impers., e-m ferr vel, illa, one behaves or acts well, ill;
    honum hafa öll málin verst farit, he has behaved worst in the whole matter;
    e-m ferr vinveittliga, one behaves in a friendly way;
    11) fara e-t höndum, to touch with the hands, esp. of a healing touch, = fara höndum um e-t (bið hann fara höndum meinit);
    fara land herskildi, brandi, to visit a land with ‘warshield’, with fire, to ravage or devastate it (gekk síðan á land upp með liði sínu ok fór alit herskildi);
    12) to overtake (Án hrísmagi var þeirra skjótastr ok gat farit sveininn);
    tunglit ferr sólina, the moon overtakes the sun;
    áðr hana Fenrir fari, before F. overtakes her;
    13) to ill-treat, treat cruelly;
    menn sá ek þá, er mjök höfðu hungri farit hörund, that had chastened their flesh with much fasting;
    14) to put an end to, destroy;
    fara sér (sjálfr), to kill oneself;
    fara lífi (fjörvi) e-s, to deprive one of life;
    þú hefir sigr vegit ok Fáfni (dat.) um farit, killed F.;
    15) to forfeit (fara löndum ok lausafé);
    16) refl., farast;
    17) with preps. and advs.:
    fara af klæðum, to take off one’s clothes;
    fara at e-m, to make an attack upon, to assault (eigi mundi í annat sinn vænna at fara at jarlinum);
    fara at e-u, to mind, pay heed to;
    ekki fer ek at, þótt þú hafir svelt þik til fjár (it does not matter to me, I do not care, though);
    to deal with a thing, proceed in a certain way;
    fara at lögum, úlögum, to proceed lawfully, unlawfully;
    fara mjúkliga at, to proceed gently;
    hér skulu við fara at með ráðum, act with, deliberation;
    impers. with dat., to do, behave;
    illa hefir mér at farit, I have done my business badly; to go in pusuit (search) of (víkingar nökkurir þeir sem fóru at féföngum);
    fara at fuglaveiðum, to go a-fowling;
    fara at fé, to tend sheep;
    fara á e-n, to come upon one;
    sigu saman augu, þá er dauðinn fór á, when death seized him;
    fara á hæl or hæli, to step back, retreat;
    fara eptir e-m, to follow one;
    fara eptir e-u, to go for, go to fetch (Snorri goði fór eptir líkinu; fara eptir vatni); to accommodate oneself to, conform to (engi vildi eptir öðrum fara);
    þau orð er eptir fara, the following words;
    fara fram, to go on, take place;
    ef eigi ferr gjald fram, if no payment takes place;
    veizlan ferr vel fram, the feast went on well;
    spyrr, hvat þar fœri fram, he asked, what was going on there;
    fara fram ráðum e-s, to follow one’s advice;
    allt mun þat sínu fram fara, it will take its own course;
    kváðu þat engu gegna ok fóru sínu fram, took their own way;
    segir honum, hversu þeir fóru fram, how they acted;
    fara e-t fram, to do., perform a thing;
    spyrr hann, hvat nú sé fram faranda, what is to be done;
    fara fyrir e-t, to pass for, be taken for (fari sá fyrir níðing, er);
    fara hjá sér, to be beside oneself;
    fara í e-t, to go into (fara í tunnu);
    fara í sæng, rekkju, to go to bed;
    fara í sess sinn, sæti sitt, to take one’s seat;
    fara í klæði, to put on clothes, dress;
    fara í vápn, brynju, to put on armour;
    fara í lag, to go right or straight again (þá fóru brýnn hans í lag);
    fara í vöxt, to increase;
    fara í þurð, to wane;
    fara í hernað, víking, to go a-freebooting;
    nú ferr í úvænt efni, now matters look hopeless;
    to happen, occur (alit þat, er í hafði farit um nóttina);
    fara með e-t, to wield handle, manage;
    fór Hroptr með Gungni, H. wielded (the spear) Gungnir;
    fara með goðorð, to hold a goðorð;
    fara með sök, to manage a lawsuit;
    to practice, deal in;
    fara með rán, to deal in robbery;
    fara með spott ok háð, to go scoffing and mocking;
    fara með galdra ok fjölkyngi, to practice sorcery;
    to deal with, treat, handle (þú munt bezt ok hógligast með hann fara);
    fara af hljóði með e-t, to keep matters secret;
    fara með e-m, to go with one, follow one (ek skal með yðr fara með allan minn styrk);
    fara með e-u, to do (so and so) with a thing, to deal with, manage;
    hvernig þeir skyldu fara með vápnum sínum, what they were to do with their weapons;
    sá maðr, er með arfinum ferr, who manages the inheritance;
    fara með málum sínum, to manage one’s case;
    fara vel með sínum háttum, to bear oneself well;
    undarliga fara munkar þessir með sér, these monks behave strangely;
    fara með barni, to go with child;
    impers., ferr með þeim heldr fáliga, they are on indifferent terms;
    fara ór landi, to leave the country;
    fara ór klæðum, fötum, to take off one’s clothes, undress;
    fara saman, to go together; to shake, shudder;
    fór en forna fold öll saman, shivered all through;
    to concur, agree (hversu má þat saman f);
    fara til svefns, to go to sleep (= fara at sofa);
    fara um e-t, to travel over (fara um fjall);
    fara höndum um e-n, to stroke or touch one with the hands (hann fór höndum um þá, er sjúkir vóru);
    fara mörgum orðum um e-t, to dilate upon a subject;
    fara myrkt um e-t, to keep a matter dark;
    fara undan, to excuse oneself (from doing a thing), to decline, refuse (hvat berr til, at þú ferr undan at gera mér veizluna);
    borð fara upp, the tables are removed;
    fara út, to go from Norway to Iceland; to come to a close, run out (fóru svá út þessir fimm vetr);
    fara útan, to go abroad (from Iceland);
    fara við e-n, to treat one, deal with one in a certain way;
    margs á, ek minnast, hve við mik fóruð, I have many things to remember of your dealings with me;
    fara yfir e-t, to go through;
    nú er yfir farit um landnám, now an account of the settlements has been given;
    skjótt yfir at fara, to be brief.
    * * *
    pret. fóra, 2nd pers. fórt, mod. fórst, pl. fóru; pres. ferr, 2nd pers. ferr, in mod. pronunciation ferð; pret. subj. færa; imperat. far and farðu (= far þú); sup. farit; part. farinn; with the suffixed neg. fór-a, Am. 45; farið-a ( depart not), Hkr. i. 115 MS. (in a verse). [In the Icel. scarcely any other verb is in so freq. use as fara, as it denotes any motion; not so in other Teut. idioms; in Ulf. faran is only used once, viz. Luke x. 7; Goth. farjan means to sail, and this seems to be the original sense of fara (vide far); A. S. faran; the Germ. fahren and Engl. fare are used in a limited sense; in the Engl. Bible this word never occurs (Cruden); Swed. fara; Dan. fare.]
    A. NEUT. to go, fare, travel, in the widest sense; gékk hann hvargi sem hann fór, he walked wherever he went, Hkr. i. 100; né ek flý þó ek ferr, I fly not though I fare, Edda (in a verse); létt er lauss at fara (a proverb), Sl. 37: the saying, verðr hverr með sjálfum sér lengst at fara, Gísl. 25; cp. ‘dass von sich selbst der Mensch nicht scheiden kann’ (Göthe’s Tasso), or the Lat. ‘patriae quis exul se quoque fugit?’ usually in the sense to go, to depart, heill þú farir, heill þú aptr komir, Vþm. 4; but also to come, far þú hingat til mín, come here, Nj. 2.
    2. to travel, go forth or through, pass, or the like; þú skalt fara í Kirkjubæ, Nj. 74; fara ór landi, to fare forth from one’s country, Fms. v. 24; kjóll ferr austan, Vsp. 51; Surtr ferr sunnan, 52; snjór var mikill, ok íllt at fara, and ill to pass, Fms. ix. 491; fóru þeir út eptir ánni, Eg. 81; siðan fór Egill fram með skóginum, 531; þeim sem hann vildi at færi … Njáll hét at fara, Nj. 49; fara munu vér, Eg. 579; Egill fór til þess er hann kom til Álfs. 577, Fms. xi. 122; fara þeir nú af melinum á sléttuna. Eg. 747; fara heiman, to fare forth from one’s home, K. Þ. K. 6; alls mik fara tíðir, Vþm. 1; fjölð ek fór, far I fared, i. e. travelled far, 3: the phrase, fara utan, to fare outwards, go abroad (from Iceland), passim; fara vestr um haf, to fare westward over the sea, i. e. to the British Isles, Hkr. i. 101; fara á fund e-s, to visit one, Ld. 62; fara at heimboði, to go to a feast, id.; fara fæti, to fare a-foot, go walking, Hkr.; absol. fara, to travel, beg, hence föru-maðr, a vagrant, beggar; in olden times the poor went their rounds from house to house within a certain district, cp. Grág. i. 85; ómagar er þar eigu at fara í því þingi eðr um þau þing, id.; ómagar skolu fara, 119; omegð þá er þar ferr, 296: in mod. usage, fara um and um-ferð, begging, going round.
    β. with prep.: fara at e-m, to make an inroad upon one, Nj. 93, 94, 102 (cp. at-för); fara á e-n, to mount, e. g. fara á bak, to mount on horseback; metaph., dauðinn fór á, death seized him, Fms. xi. 150; f. saman, to go together, Edda 121, Grág. ii. 256; f. saman also means to shudder. Germ. zusammenfahren, Hým. 24: metaph. to concur, agree, hversu má þat saman f., Nj. 192; þeim þótti þat mjök saman f., Fms. iv. 382; fara á hæl, or á hæli, to go a-heel, i. e. step back. retreat, xi. 278, Eg. 296; fara undan, metaph. to excuse oneself, refuse (v. undan), Nj. 23, Fms. x. 227; fara fyrir, to proceed; fara eptir, to follow.
    3. with ferð, leið or the like added, in acc. or gen. to go one’s way; fara leiðar sinnar, to proceed on one’s journey, Eg. 81, 477, Fms. i. 10, Grág. ii. 119; fara ferðar sinnar, or ferða sinna, id.. Eg. 180, Fms. iv. 125; fara derð sina, id.. Eg. 568; fara förum sínum, or för sinní, id., K. Þ. K. 80, 90; fara dagfari ok náttfari, to travel day and night, Fms. i. 203; fara fullum dagleiðum, to go full days-journeys, Grág. i. 91; or in a more special sense, fara þessa ferð, to make this journey, Fas. ii. 117; f. stefnu-för, to go a-summoning; f. bónorðs-för, to go a-courting, Nj. 148; f. sigr-för, to go on the way of victory, to triumph, Eg. 21; fara sendi-för, to go on a message, 540.
    β. in a metaph. sense; fara hneykju-för, to be shamefully beaten, Hrafn. 19 (MS.); fara ósigr, to be defeated, Eg. 287; fara mikinn skaða, to ‘fare’ (i. e. suffer) great damage, Karl. 43; fara því verrum förum, fara skömm, hneykju, erendleysu, úsæmð, to get the worst of it, Fms. viii. 125.
    4. with the road in acc.; hann fór Vánar-skarð, Landn. 226; f. sjó-veg, land-veg, K. Þ. K. 24; fór mörg lönd ok stórar merkr, Fas. ii. 540; fara sömu leið, Fms. i. 70; f. sama veg, Luke x. 31; f. fjöll ok dala, Barl. 104; fara út-leið, þjóð-leið, Fms. iv. 260; also, fara um veg, fara um fjall, to cross a fell, Hm. 3; fara liði, to march, Fms. i. 110.
    II. in a more indefinite sense, to go; fara búðum, bygðum, vistum, to move, change one’s abode, Ld. 56, Hkr. ii. 177, Nj. 151, Vigl. 30; fara búferla, to more one’s household, Grág. ii. 409; fara vöflunarförum, to go a-begging, i. 163, 294, ii. 482.
    2. the phrases, fara eldi ok arni, a law term, to move one’s hearth and fire. Grág. ii. 253; fara eldi um land, a heathen rite for taking possession of land, defined in Landn. 276. cp. Eb. 8, Landn. 189, 284.
    3. fara einn-saman, to be alone. Grág. ii. 9; the phrase, f. eigi einn-saman, to be not alone, i. e. with child, Fms. iii. 109; or, fór hón með svein þann, Bs. i. 437; cp. ganga með barni.
    4. adding an adj., to denote gait, pace, or the like; fara snúðigt, to stride haughtily, Nj. 100; fara mikinn, to rush on, 143; fara flatt, to fall flat, tumble, Bárð. 177; fara hægt, to walk slowly.
    β. fara til svefns, to go to sleep, Nj. 35; f. í sæti sitt, to go to one’s seat, 129; f. í sess, Vþm. 9; f. á bekk, 19; fara á sæng, to go to bed, N. G. L. i. 30; fara í rúmið, id. (mod.); fara í mannjöfnuð, Ísl. ii. 214; fara í lag, to be put straight, Eg. 306; fara í vöxt, to wax, increase, Fms. ix. 430, Al. 141; fara í þurð, to wane, Ld. 122, l. 1 (MS.); fara í úefni, to go to the wrong side, Sturl. iii. 210; fara at skakka, to be odd ( not even). Sturl. ii. 258; fara at sölum, to be put out for sale, Grág. ii. 204.
    5. fara at fuglum, to go a-fowling, Orkn. (in a verse); fara at fugla-veiðum, id., Bb. 3. 36; fara í hernað, í víking, to go a-freebooting, Fms. i. 33, Landn. 31; fara at fé, to watch sheep, Ld. 240; fara at fé-föngum, to go a-fetching booty, Fms. vii. 78.
    β. with infin., denoting one’s ‘doing’ or ‘being;’ fara sofa, to go to sleep, Eg. 377; fara vega, to go to fight, Vsp. 54, Gm. 23; fara at róa, Vígl. 22; fara leita, to go seeking, Fms. x. 240; fara að búa, to set up a household, Bb. 2. 6; fara að hátta, to go to bed.
    γ. akin to this is the mod. use of fara with an infin. following in the sense to begin, as in the East Angl. counties of Engl. it ‘fares’ to …, i. e. it begins, is likely to be or to do so and so; það fer að birta, það er farit að dimma, it ‘fares’ to grow dark; það fer að hvessa, it ‘fares’ to blow; fer að rigna, it ‘fares’ to rain. etc.:—no instance of this usage is recorded in old Icel., but the Engl. usage shews that it must be old.
    δ. with an adj. etc.; fara villr, to go astray, Sks. 565; fara haltr, to go lame, Fms. x. 420; fara vanstiltr, to go out of one’s mind, 264; fara hjá sér, to be beside oneself, Eb. 270; fara apr, to feel chilly, Fms. vi. 237 (in a verse); fara duldr e-s, to be unaware of, Skálda 187 (in a verse); fara andvígr e-m, to give battle, Stor. 8; fara leyniliga, to go secretly, be kept hidden, Nj. 49.
    6. to pass; fór sú skipan til Íslands, Fms. x. 23; fara þessi mál til þings, Nj. 100; hversu orð fóru með þeim, how words passed between them, 90; fóru þau orð um, the runner went abroad, Fms. i. 12; ferr orð er um munn líðr (a saying), iv. 279; þá fór ferligt úorðan, a bad report went abroad, Hom. 115.
    7. fara fram, to go on, take place; ferr þetta fram, Ld. 258; ef eigi ferr gjald fram, if no payment takes place, K. Þ. K. 64; ferr svá fram, and so things went on without a break, Nj. 11, Eg. 711; veizlan ferr vel fram, the feast went on well, Nj. 11, 51; spyrr hvat þar færi fram, he asked what there was going on. Band. 17; fór allt á sömu leið sem fyrr, it went on all the same as before, Fms. iv. 112; fara fram ráðum e-s, to follow one’s advice, Nj. 5, 66, Fms. vii. 318; allt mun þat sínu fram f., it will take its own course, Nj. 259; nú er því ferr fram um hríð, it went on so for a while, Fms. xi. 108; a law term, to be produced, gögn fara fram til varnar, Grág. i. 65; dómar fara út, the court is set (vide dómr), Grág., Nj., passim.
    8. borð fara upp brott, the tables are removed (vide borð), Eg. 247, 551; eigi má þetta svá f., this cannot go on in that way, Nj. 87; fjarri ferr þat, far from it, by no means, 134; fór þat fjarri at ek vilda, Ld. 12; fór þat ok svá til, and so if came to pass, Fms. x. 212.
    9. to turn out, end; hversu ætlar þú fara hesta-atið, Nj. 90; fór þat sem likligt var, it turned out as was likely (i. e. ended ill). Eg. 46; svá fór, at …, the end was, that …, Grett. 81 new Ed.; ef svá ferr sem ek get til, if it turns out as I guess, Dropl. 30, Vígl. 21; ef svá ferr sem mín orð horfa til, Fms. v. 24; ef svá ferr sem mik varir, if it comes to pass as it seems to me, vi. 350; svá fór um sjóferð þá, Bjarni 202; á sömu leið fór um aðra sendi-menn, Eg. 537; to depart, die, þar fór nýtr maðr, Fs. 39; fara danða-yrði, to pass the death-weird, to die, Ýt. 8.
    10. to fare well, ill, in addressing; fari þér vel, fare ye well, Nj. 7; biðja e-n vel fara, to bid one farewell, Eg. 22, Ld. 62; far heill ok sæll, Fms. vii. 197: in a bad sense, far þú nú þar, ill betide thee! Hbl. 60; far (impers.) manna armastr, Eg. 553; Jökull bað hann fara bræla armastan, Finnb. 306; fari þér í svá gramendr allir, Dropl. 23.
    11. fara í fat, í brynju (acc.), etc., to dress, undress; but fara ór fötum (dat.), to undress, Fms. x. 16, xi. 132, vii. 202, Nj. 143, Gh. 16, etc.
    III. metaph.,
    1. to suit, fit, esp. of clothes, hair, or the like; ekki þykkir mér kyrtill þinn fara betr en stakkr minn, Fas. ii. 343; hárið fór vel, Nj. 30; jarpr á hár ok fór vel hárit, Fms. ii. 7; gult hár sem silki ok fór fagrliga, vi. 438, Fs. 88; klæði sem bezt farandi, Eb. 256; var sú konan bezt f., the most graceful, lady-like, Ísl. ii. 438; fór ílla á hestinum, it sat ill on the horse, Bs. i. 712.
    2. impers. it goes so and so with one, i. e. one behaves so and so: e-m ferr vel, ílla, etc., one behaves well, ill, etc.; honum hafa öll málin verst farit, he has behaved worst in the whole matter, Nj. 210; bezta ferr þér, Fms. vii. 33; vel mun þér fara, Nj. 55; at honum fari vel, 64; þer hefir vel farit til mín, Finnb. 238; e-m ferr vinveittliga, one behaves in a friendly way, Nj. 217; ferr þér þá bezt jafnan ok höfðinglegast er mest liggr við, 228; mun honum nokkurn veg vel f., Hrafn. 10; údrengiliga hefir þér farit til vár, Ld. 48; ferr þér illa, Nj. 57; hversu Gunnari fór, how ( well) G. behaved, 119.
    3. fara at e-u, to deal with a thing (i. e. proceed) so and so; svá skal at sókn fara, thus is the pleading to be proceeded with, Grág. i. 323; svá skal at því f. at beiða …, 7; fara at lögum, or úlögum at e-u, to proceed lawfully or unlawfully, 126; hversu at skyldi f., how they were to proceed, Nj. 114; fara mjúklega at, to proceed gently, Fms. vii. 18; hér skulu vér f. at með ráðum, to act with deliberation, Eg. 582; Flosi fór at öngu óðara ( took matters calmly), en hann væri heima, Nj. 220.
    β. impers. with dat., to do, behave; ílla hefir mér at farit, I have done my business badly, Hrafn. 8; veit Guð hversu hverjum manni mun at f., Fms. x. 212: in mod. phrases, to become, ironically, þér ferr það, or þér ferst það, it becomes thee, i. e. ‘tis too bad of thee.
    γ. hví ferr konungrinn nú svá (viz. at), Fms. i. 35; er slíkt úsæmiliga farit, so shamefully done, Nj. 82; hér ferr vænt at, here things go merrily, 232; karlmannliga er farit, manfully done, 144.
    δ. to mind, care about; ekki ferr ek at, þótt þú hafir svelt þik til fjár, it does not matter to me, I do not care, though …, Nj. 18; ekki munu vit at því fara ( never mind that), segir Helgi, 133.
    ε. fara eptir, to be in proportion; hér eptir fór vöxtr ok afl, his strength and stature were in proportion, Clar.
    4. fara með e-t, to wield, handle, manage; fór Hroptr með Gungni, H. wielded Gungni ( the spear), Kormak; f. með Gríðar-völ, to wield the staff G., Þd. 9: as a law term, to wield, possess; fara með goðorð, to keep a goðorð, esp. during the session of parliament, Dropl. 8, Grág. and Nj. passim; fara með sök, to manage a lawsuit, Grág., Nj.; or, fara við sök, id., Nj. 86.
    β. metaph. to practise, deal in; fara með rán, to deal in robbing, Nj. 73; fara með spott ok háð, to go sporting and mocking, 66; f. með fals ok dár, Pass. 16. 5; fara með galdra ok fjölkyngi, K. Þ. K. 76; f. með hindr-vitni, Grett. 111; cp. the phrase, farðu ekki með það, don’t talk such nonsense.
    γ. to deal with, treat, handle; þú munt bezt ok hógligast með hann fara, thou wilt deal with him most kindly and most gently, Nj. 219; fara af hljóði með e-t, to keep matters secret, id.; Ingimundr fór vel með sögum (better than sögur, acc.), Ing. dealt well with stories, was a good historian. Sturl. i. 9.
    δ. with dat.; fara með e-u, to do so and so with a thing, manage it; hversu þeir skyldi fara með vápnum sínum, how they were to do with their weapons, Fms. ix. 509; sá maðr er með arfinum ferr, who manages the arfr, Grág. i. 217; ef þeir fara annan veg með því fé, 216; fara með málum sínum, to manage one’s case, 46; meðan hann ferr svá með sem mælt er, 93; Gunnarr fór með öllu ( acted in all) sem honum var ráð til kennt, Nj. 100; ef svá er með farit, Ld. 152; f. vel með sínum háttum, to bear oneself well, behave well, Eg. 65; Hrafn fór með sér vel, H. bore himself well, Fms. vi. 109; undarliga fara munkar þessir með sér, they behave strangely, 188; við förum kynlega með okkrum málum, Nj. 130; vant þyki mér með slíku at fara, difficult matters to have to do with, 75; f. málum á hendr e-m, to bring an action against one, Ld. 138; fara sókn ( to proceed) sem at þingadómi, Grág. i. 463; fara svá öllu máli um sem …, 40, ii. 348; fara með hlátri ok gapi, to go laughing and scoffing, Nj. 220; cp. β above.
    IV. fara um, yfir e-t, to pass over slightly; nú er yfir farit um landnám, shortly told, touched upon, Landn. 320; skjótt yfir at f., to be brief, 656 A. 12; fara myrkt um e-t, to mystify a thing, Ld. 322; fara mörgum orðum um e-t, to dilate upon a subject, Fbr. 124, Nj. 248, Fms. ix. 264.
    β. in the phrase, fara höndum um e-t, to go with the hands about a thing, to touch it, Germ. befühlen, esp. medic. of a healing touch; jafnan fengu menn heilsubót af handlögum hans, af því er hann fór höndum um þá er sjúkir vóru, Játv. 24; ok pá fór hann höndum um hann, Bs. i. 644; þá lét Arnoddr fara aðra höndina um hann, ok fann at hann var berfættr ok í línklæðum. Dropl. 30; cp. fóru hendr hvítar hennar um þessar görvar, Fas. i. 248 (in a verse): note the curious mod. phrase, það fer að fara um mig, I began to feel uneasy, as from a cold touch or the like.
    γ. impers. with dat.; eigi ferr þér nær Gunnari, en Merði mundi við þik, thou camest not nearer to G. than Mord would to thee, i. e. thou art just as far from being a match for G. as Mord is to thee, Nj. 37; þá ferr honum sem öðrum, it came to pass with him as with others, 172; þá mun mér first um fara, I shall fall much short of that, Fms. vi. 362; því betr er þeim ferr öllum verr at, the worse they fare the better I am pleased, Nj. 217.
    V. reflex., esp. of a journey, to fare well; fórsk þeim vel, they fared well, Eg. 392, Fms. xi. 22; honum fersk vel vegrinn, he proceeded well on his journey, ii. 81; hafði allt farizt vel at, all had fared well, they had had a prosperous journey, Íb. 10; fórsk þeim þá seint um daginn, they proceeded slowly, Eg. 544; mönnum fórsk eigi vel um fenit, Fms. vii. 149; hversu þeim hafði farizk, Nj. 90; at þeim færisk vel, Ísl. ii. 343, 208, v. l.: the phrase, hamri fórsk í hægri hönd, he grasped the hammer in his right hand, Bragi; farask lönd undir, to subdue lands, Hkr. i. 134, v. l. (in a verse).
    2. recipr., farask hjá, to go beside one another, miss one another, pass without meeting, Nj. 9; farask á mis, id., farask í móti, to march against one another, of two hosts; þat bar svá til at hvárigir vissu til annarra ok fórusk þó í móti, Fms. viii. 63, x. 46, Fas. ii. 515.
    VI. part.,
    1. act., koma farandi, to come of a sudden or by chance; þá kómu hjarðsveinar þar at farandi, some shepherds just came, Eg. 380; Moses kom farandi til fólksins, Sks. 574; koma inn farandi, 369, Fbr. 25.
    2. pass. farinn, in the phrase, á förnum vegi, on ‘wayfaring,’ i. e. in travelling, passing by; finna e-n á förnum vegi, Nj. 258, K. Þ. K. 6; kveðja fjárins á förnum vegi, Grág. i. 403; also, fara um farinn veg, to pass on one’s journey; of the sun. sól var skamt farin, the sun was little advanced, i. e. early in the morning, Fms. xi. 267, viii. 146; þá var dagr alljós ok sól farin, broad day and sun high in the sky, Eg. 219; also impers., sól (dat.) var skamt farit, Úlf. 4. 10: the phrase, aldri farinn, stricken in years, Sturl. i. 212; vel farinn í andliti, well-favoured, Ld. 274; vel at orði farinn, well spoken, eloquent, Fms. xi. 193; mod., vel orði, máli farinn, and so Ld. 122; gone, þar eru baugar farnir, Grág. ii. 172; þó fætrnir sé farnir, Fas. iii. 308.
    β. impers. in the phrase, e-m er þannig farit, one is so and so; veðri var þannig farit, at …, the winter was such, that …, Fms. xi. 34; veðri var svá farit at myrkt var um at litask, i. e. the weather was gloomy, Grett. 111; hversu landinu er farit, what is the condition of the country, Sks. 181; henni er þannig farit, at hón er mikil ey, löng …, ( the island) is so shapen, that it is large and long, Hkr. ii. 188; er eigi einn veg farit úgæfu okkari, our ill-luck is not of one piece, Nj. 183: metaph. of state, disposition, character, er hánum vel farit, he is a well-favoured man, 15; undarliga er yðr farit, ye are strange men, 154; honum var svá farit, at hann var vesal-menni, Boll. 352: adding the prepp. at, til, þeim var úlíkt farit at í mörgu, they were at variance in many respects, Hkr. iii. 97; nú er annan veg til farit, now matters are altered, Nj. 226; nú er svá til farit, at ek vil …, now the case is, that I wish …, Eg. 714; hér er þannig til farit, … at leiðin, 582; þar var þannig til farit, Fms. xi. 34. ☞ Hence comes the mod. form varið (v instead of f), which also occurs in MSS. of the 15th century—veðri var svá varit, Sd. 181; ér honum vel varið, Lv. 80, Ld. 266, v. l.; svá er til varið, Sks. 223, 224,—all of them paper MSS. The phrase, e-m er nær farit, one is pressed; svá var honum nær farit af öllu samt, vökum ok föstu, he was nearly overcome from want of sleep and fasting.
    B. TRANS.
    I. with acc.:
    1. to visit; fara land herskildi, brandi, etc., to visit a land with ‘war-shield,’ fire, etc., i. e. devastate it; gékk siðan á land upp með liði sínu, ok fór allt herskildi, Fms. i. 131; land þetta mundi herskildi farit, ok leggjask undir útlenda höfðingja, iv. 357; (hann) lét Halland farit brandi, vii. 4 (in a verse); hann fór lvist eldi, 41 (in a verse); hann hefir farit öll eylönd brandi, 46 (in a verse); fara hungri hörund, to emaciate the body, of an ascetic, Sl. 71.
    2. to overtake, with acc.; hann gat ekki farit hann, he could not overtake ( catch) him, 623. 17; tunglit ferr sólina, the moon overtakes the sun, Rb. 116; áðr hana Fenrir fari, before Fenrir overtakes her, Vþm. 46, 47; knegut oss fálur fara, ye witches cannot take us, Hkv. Hjörv. 13; hann gat farit fjóra menn af liði Steinólfs, ok drap þá alla, … hann gat farit þá hjá Steinólfsdal, Gullþ. 29; hann reið eptir þeim, ok gat farit þá út hjá Svelgsá, milli ok Hóla, Eb. 180; Án hrísmagi var þeirra skjótastr ok getr farit sveininn, Ld. 242; viku þeir þá enn undan sem skjótast svá at Danir gátu eigi farit þá, Fms. (Knytl. S.) xi. 377 (MS., in the Ed. wrongly altered to náð þeim); hérinn hljóp undan, ok gátu hundarnir ekki farit hann (Ed. fráit wrongly), Fas. iii. 374; ok renna allir eptir þeim manni er víg vakti, … ok verðr hann farinn, Gþl. 146: cp. the phrase, vera farinn, to dwell, live, to be found here and there; þótt hann sé firr um farinn, Hm. 33.
    II. with dat. to destroy, make to perish; f. sér, to make away with oneself; kona hans fór sér í dísar-sal, she killed herself, Fas. i. 527; hón varð stygg ok vildi fara sér, Landn. (Hb.) 55; ef þér gangit fyrir hamra ofan ok farit yðr sjálfir, Fms. viii. 53; hví ætla menn at hann mundi vilja f. sér sjálfr, iii. 59; fara lífi, fjörvi, öndu, id.; skal hann heldr eta, en fara öndu sinni, than starve oneself to death, K. Þ. K. 130; ok verðr þá þínu fjörvi um farit, Lv. 57, Ýt. 20, Fas. i. 426 (in a verse), cp. Hkv. Hjörv. 13; mínu fjörvi at fara, Fm. 5; þú hefir sigr vegit, ok Fáfni (dat.) um farit, 23; farit hafði hann allri ætt Geirmímis, Hkv. 1. 14; ok létu hans fjörvi farit, Sól. 22; hann hafði farit mörgum manni, O. H. L. 11.
    β. to forfeit; fara sýknu sinni, Grág. i. 98; fara löndum ok lausafé, ii. 167.
    2. reflex. to perish (but esp. freq. in the sense to be drowned, perish in the sea); farask af sulti, to die of hunger, Fms. ii. 226; fellr fjöldi manns í díkit ok farask þar, v. 281; fórusk sex hundruð Vinda skipa, xi. 369; alls fórusk níu menn, Ísl. ii. 385; mun heimr farask, Eluc. 43; þá er himin ok jörð hefir farisk, Edda 12; farask af hita, mæði, Fms. ix. 47; fórsk þar byrðingrinn, 307; hvar þess er menn farask, Grág. i. 219; heldr enn at fólk Guðs farisk af mínum völdum, Sks. 732: of cattle, ef fé hins hefir troðisk eðr farisk á þá lund sem nú var tínt, Grág. ii. 286.
    β. metaph., fersk nú vinátta ykkur, your friendship is done with, Band. 12.
    γ. the phrase, farask fyrir, to come to naught, Nj. 131; at síðr mun fyrir farask nokkut stórræði, Ísl. ii. 340; en fyrir fórusk málagjöldin af konungi, the payment never took place, Fms. v. 278; lét ek þetta verk fyrir farask, vii. 158; þá mun þat fyrir farask, Fs. 20; en fyrir fórsk þat þó þau misseri, Sd. 150: in mod. usage (N. T.), to perish.
    δ. in act. rarely, and perhaps only a misspelling: frá því er féit fór (fórsk better), K. Þ. K. 132; fóru (better fórusk, were drowned) margir Íslenzkir menn, Bs. i. 436.
    3. part. farinn, as adj. gone, undone; nú eru vér farnir, nema …, Lv. 83; hans tafl var mjök svá farit, his game was almost lost, Fas. i. 523; þá er farnir vóru forstöðumenn Tróju, when the defenders of Troy were dead and gone, Ver. 36; tungl farit, a ‘dead moon,’ i. e. new moon, Rb. 34; farinn af sulti ok mæði, Fms. viii. 53; farinn at e-u, ruined in a thing, having lost it; farnir at hamingju, luckless, iv. 73; f. at vistum, xi. 33; f. at lausa-fé;. iii. 117: in some cases uncertain whether the participle does not belong to A.

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  • G-2 Section — Die G 2 Section war eine nachrichtendienstliche Einheit der US amerikanischen Streitkräfte, die innerhalb des Kommandobereichs von General Douglas MacArthur zunächst übliche militärische Erkundungen auswertete und ein tägliches Intelligence… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Bruce Castle — Die Südfassade von Bruce Castle Bruce Castle (früher Lordship House) ist ein Herrenhaus in der Lordship Lane in Tottenham, London, aus dem 16. Jahrhundert (andere Quellen gehen vom 15. Jahrhundert aus). Es wurde nach dem Haus Bruce benannt, einer …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Art of the Third Reich — Die Partei, Arno Breker s statue representing the spirit of the Nazi Party The art of the Third Reich, the officially approved art produced in Nazi Germany between 1933 and 1945, was characterized by a style of Romantic realism based on classical …   Wikipedia

  • Osteodontokeratische Kultur — Die Bezeichnung Osteodontokeratische Kultur wurde von dem australischen Paläoanthropologen Raymond Dart anhand der Funde von Bett 3 von Makapansgat (Transvaal) geprägt, wo in einer harten grauen Kalkstein Brekzie bei der Überwachung von… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Norddeutscher Lloyd — Logo of NDL Type Joint stock company Genre Shipping Fate Merged with Hamburg A …   Wikipedia

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